February Beastiary challenge 2023
Here's the master list of all the beasts I'll be making for the February Bestiary Challenge. I'm really looking forward to this one, and I have plenty of monster ideas that I really just need to write down. I have ideas for quite a few, and many creatures I've meant to write up properly, so I'm looking forward to it.
The List:
1. Wings- Fox Hawk
2. Stripes-
3. Horn- Fellboar
A large, mutant, regenerating pig.
4. Shell-Tyrant's Crab
5. Colorful- Skitterjacks
6. Nocturnal- @Bea
7. Mythical- Darkcarvers
8. Prey- Threeblood Deer
9. Monstrous- Savrick Chimera
10. Danger- Nettlebacks
11. Purr- Glassblowers
12. Roar- Blue Masons
13. Shriek - Intitular Eagle
14. Howl-
15. Tamed- Dyentgren -Shrew like creatures tamed by goblins act as sentry animals
16. Pack
17. Burrow-
18. Bond- Fearbreather
19. Stinky- Fellcrow
20. Gentle
21. Messenger- Cirrilid :
A domesticated nautaulis that carries messages through the Camoreyt Sea
22. Food-
23. Vicious- Weeping Wolves
24. Silent- Sanddrifters
25. Parasite- Ashshine Beetles
26. Predator
27. Stalk-
Many of these creatures are covered in the in-universe books below:
A Gentleman Hunter's Guide to the Allila Plains
A Gentleman Hunter's Guide to Vool