Dulcimer Pew Character in Gailen | World Anvil
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Dulcimer Pew

Captain Dulcimer Tone Pew

Dulcimer Pew is the captain of the guard at Ly'tel Amma, and son of mercenary veteran Olivia Pew. He commanded a squad of a dozen experienced mercenaries from Lareena, and kept the settlement, forest and road from becoming endangered. He and his soldiers are experienced with fighting in an efficient combination of wall and pike, and he personally prides himself on being a skilled crossbowman.

Mental characteristics


Dulcimer's Education has been patchy at best, raised amongst travelling mercenaries as he was. He can read and write acceptably, and do mathematics when it involves money, but is otherwise fairly ignorant of the world, barring perhaps the histories of famous Mercenary groups and the best places to look for work.   In his time stationed at Ly'tel he has taken to reading, albeit slowly and has a slightly broader if equally patchy knowledge of plants, animals and elvish poetry.

Morality & Philosophy

Dulcimer has a simple view of the world: You do the job you're paid to do. If it isn't a job you want to do, don't accept the job. And if it turns out your employer won't pay, and fails to pay the debt even given time, spread their name and ensure that no one works with them again. Besides that, keep your nose clean, and generally keep an eye out for people in a roundabout way.


Olivia Pew

Mother (Vital)

Towards Dulcimer Pew


Dulcimer Pew

Son (Vital)

Towards Olivia Pew


Snub nosed and slightly spotty all the way into his late twenties, Dulcimer pew is the loyal and quite competent captain of the guard in the city of Ly'tel Amma. His (albeit tiny) city watch is a group of veteran soldiers that see their posting as something of a cushy retirement, and work together very well.

Character Location
Current Location
Still in Ly tel
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Current Location
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
1928 BA -997 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born into a mercenary group, the first and only child of the leader, with an unknown father.


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