Whirlwind in Gailardia | World Anvil
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School: Evocation
Sub-School: None
Descriptor: Air
Ritual: No
Level: Divine & Primal 8th
Components: Material, Somatic & Verbal
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Far
Effect/Target: 5ft radius at the base, 15ft radius at the top, & 30ft tall Cyclone
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute
Saving Throw: Strength - Partial   You create a powerful cyclone with a Speed of 60ft per Round, taken on each of your Turns.
You must designate the path of the cyclone at the time of casting, such as a straight line, zigzag, circle, or similar movement. As a Standard action, you may alter the cyclone's path.
The following effects occur when the cyclone comes into contact with a creature:  
  • A Large or smaller creature must succeed a Strength save or take 2d10 Bludgeoning damage.
  • A Medium or smaller creature that fails its first save must succeed a second or be picked up by the Intense winds, taking 1d10 Bludgeoning damage on the caster's Turn for as long as they remain suspended in the cyclone.
  • Finally, the normal penalties for Intense winds apply to all creatures inside the cyclone.
As a Free action, you may choose to eject a suspended creature, who is tossed in a random direction.   If the cyclone leaves the spell's range, you lose control and it moves in a random path for 1 Round.   Material Component: Radiant Misty Aalaryte with a value of 500g.


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