Solid Fog in Gailardia | World Anvil
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Solid Fog

School: Conjuration
Sub-School: Creation
Descriptor: None
Ritual: Yes
Level: Arcane & Primal 4th
Components: Material, Somatic & Verbal
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Medium
Effect/Target: 20ft radius Spread from chosen area
Duration: 10 Minutes
Saving Throw: None   This spell functions similarly to Fog Cloud, except the affected area also imposes the following penalties.  
  • Speed is reduced to 5.
  • Disadvantage on melee Attack rolls.
  • Ranged Attack rolls are impossible through the area.
  • Falling into the area reduces Falling damage by 1d6 per 10ft.
  • Only severe or stronger winds can disperse the fog.
Solid Fog can be made permanent with the Permanency spell.
A permanent Solid Fog reforms 10 Minutes after being dispersed.   Material Component: Misty Aalaryte with a value of 50g


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