Scrying in Gailardia | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


School: Divination
Sub-School: Scrying
Descriptor: None
Ritual: Yes
Level: Arcane, Divine, & Primal 4th
Components: Somatic & Verbal
Casting Time: 1 Hour
Range: Unlimited
Effect/Target: Magical Sensor
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 Minutes
Saving Throw: Wisdom - Negate   You gain the ability to see and hear a subject or location from any distance.
Any given subject may make a Wisdom saving throw to negate the effect.
The DC gains additional modifiers, as follows:  
  • -10 - You know nothing about the subject, but still have some connection to them.
  • -5 - You have secondhand knowledge of the subject.
  • -5 - The subject is on another plane.
  • +0 - You have firsthand knowledge of the subject.
  • +2 - You have a picture or other depiction of their likeness available.
  • +4 - You have one of the subject's possessions or garments.
  • +5 - You know the subject well.
  • +10 - You have a body part, hair, or otherwise from the subject.
If the save fails, you can perceive the subject's immediate surroundings (up to a 10ft radius), including magical effects and auras.
If the subject moves, your magical sensor may follow them at a Speed of 150ft.   If the save succeeds, you cannot scry upon that subject for 24 hours.   Spells and effects do not function through the sensor, such as Detect Magic.


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