Grasping Hand in Gailardia | World Anvil
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Grasping Hand

School: Evocation
Sub-School: None
Descriptor: Force
Ritual: No
Level: Arcane 7th
Components: Material, Somatic & Verbal
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Medium
Effect/Target: Large Magical Hand
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute
Saving Throw: Strength/Dexterity - Partial, see text   This spell functions similarly to Interposing Hand, except the hand can also Grapple the designated creature, and Shove like a Forceful Hand, but with a +5 bonus to its DC.
On your Turn, the hand may perform a single static Grapple attempt, using the spell's DC with no roll, and forcing the creature to make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw.  
  • On a failed save, the creature is Grappled.
  • On a successful save, the creature avoids being Grappled but is still subject to the hand's normal effects.
Material Component: Radiant Veiled Orryte with a value of 500g


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