Disjunction in Gailardia | World Anvil
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School: Abjuration
Sub-School: None
Descriptor: None
Ritual: No
Level: Arcane & Divine 9th
Components: Material, Somatic & Verbal
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Short
Effect/Target: All Magical Objects and Effects in a 40ft radius Burst
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Charisma - Negate   All magical objects and effects in the affected area are dispelled, becoming mundane items or ending the effects.
Each affected object or effect must make a Charisma saving throw.  
  • For an object, the creature in possession of the object must make this saving throw.
  • For any effects in the area, the caster of the effect(s) must make this saving throw.
  • For any effects on a creature, the creature must make this saving throw, dispelling all effects on a failed save.
  • If the object or effect has its own Charisma save, and is greater than the above, the object/effect makes its own saving throw.
  • Unattended objects with no strong ties to any creature automatically fails its saving throw.
Additionally, if the caster rolls a Natural 6 on a d6, this spell may also any Anti-Magic Field spells in the affected area.
If the field succeeds their save, no items within are affected by this spell.   Finally, for each Artifact in the area, the caster must roll another d6.
On a Natural 6, the respective Artifact is also affected by this spell.
However, if the Artifact fails its save, the caster must make a Charisma save themselves.  
  • On a failed save, the caster loses any and all Spellcasting features and Spell-Like Abilities!
This effect cannot be reversed, except for direct divine intervention.
Depending on the Artifact, the most relevant deity will be made aware of your actions and take appropriate measures.   Items currently held or touched by another creature are not affected by this spell, such as active weaponry but not armor or clothing, unless directly touched at the time of casting.   Material Component: Radiant Grim Netheryte with a value of 5.000g


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