Charm Person in Gailardia | World Anvil
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Charm Person

School: Enchantment
Sub-School: Charm
Descriptor: Mind
Ritual: No
Level: Arcane 1st
Components: Somatic & Verbal
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Close
Effect/Target: Single Creature
Duration: 1 Hour
Saving Throw: Charisma - Negate   Sway another creature to perceive you as Friendly.
The creature is not under your control, but remains favorable towards you and may be convinced to aid you more easily with Persuasion checks.   If the subject is currently being threatened or attacked by yourself or your allies, they roll their Saving Throw with Advantage.
Attempts to communicate with the subject requires a shared language.   This spell only affects Humanoids and similarly sentient creatures.   Higher Spell Slot:
When cast with a higher spell slot, you can affect 1 additional subject per spell level within 10ft of the original target.


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