Ashnard, the Golden Guardian Character in Gailardia | World Anvil
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Ashnard, the Golden Guardian

First Knight of the Realms

Ashnard is known as the God of the Radiant Shield and is the sixthborn of the Drakanii Pantheon.
He is considered the god of nobility, protection, and wealth.   Born to serve as a shield for all the lives of the world tree, it's said that Ashnard has been blessed with an indestructible form. Standing ever vigilant in service of the planes, he awaits the day when he's called to defend all realms from the dark minions of the Void by any means necessary. Until that day comes, he has since grown fond of the earthly riches of the deep. Many have sought to claim even a fraction of this grand hoard but none have ever escaped with even a single gold coin.


Ashnard is one of the few deities to have made his divine presence truly known. When the heavens fell towards the heart of Melloriah, their cries would summon the father of wyverns. Rising from the sands, his earthen scales glittered with a golden tint as he spread his radiant wings to shield humanity from disaster. Some records even claim that his scales were made from gold itself but most attribute this to the glistening sands flowing from his colossal form.   His avatars have also stood before some of his most devoted followers in the past. His most common form is that of a dragonborn sharing the features of his true form, clad in the attire of a gilded nobleman or a shining knight. Another is that of a human, similarly appearing in the shape of a noble swordsman, his eyes glowing brightly like a golden sun, burning so fiercely that all who'd look directly upon him would be blinded.


The topic of Ashnard's heart is one fueled by conflicting ideals. His fondness for material wealth and earthen riches has made it seem apparent that his favor can be bought for the right price. This is incredibly off-putting in the eyes of many, believing Ashnard to be a selfish and greedy deity who cares only for those with the ability to offer him greater riches. The fact that those with the wealth to do so are often known to live peaceful lives only strengthens this mindset.   However, while certain followers do seem to enjoy the comforts of safety, some see this merely as people having the funds to defend themselves, regardless of divine intervention. In fact, there are those who claim to have received Ashnard's guidance without offering a single coin in his honor. Such people believe that while gold may indeed gain his attention, so too does he take note of those willing to fight for the sake of others, no matter the status or wealth of themselves or the people they seek to protect.   Many suspect his desire for gold and treasure to be merely another aspect of his charge; guarding that which is valuable. As such, it's speculated that he cares little for the actual wealth he obtains through his followers and merely guards it for their sake. Debates on Ashnard's character have long been subject to heated arguments but what's certain is that if ever the realms are in dire need of his mighty wings, he shall appear to crush anything that comes crashing from beyond the skies.


Serving as the shield of the world tree itself, it's said that Ashnard's scales have become impenetrable to all arms and spells ever created. Stories speak of this ability being one that allows him to become invulnerable to any type of attack once struck by it a single time. With this gift, he is commonly said to be immortal and many have since sought to try and develop the ultimate weapon to surpass his divine armor.   Being a wyvern also grants him immense strength, and despite his size he's been said to have great maneuverability in the skies, along with being quite stealthy in deserts or mountain regions. When choosing to don a mortal form, Ashnard is a master swordsman with several spells at his disposal to protect anyone standing beside him, or using the earth itself to hinder his enemies.


The vast majority of Ashnard's followers are the humans of Melloriah. Having served under the wyverns in ages past, they've since become sworn allies and in turn chosen Ashnard to be their prime deity. Many with gold to spare pay him tribute to earn his vigilant gaze while others follow his example, training to become knights with the power to protect any and all who fight by their side. Even jewelers are known to seek his guidance, believing their wares to become superior to all others with his blessing.   While some lack the means to offer him tribute, most of his followers are known to leave coins or other riches with his priests. However, many know well enough that greed can easily take hold in the hearts of mortals and would rather forego what they consider the middle man. Instead, it's also common for people to simply bury their riches and allow him to retrieve it through the earth itself. But best of all are those who journey to the eastern shores and bring their offerings to his children directly, offering their respects and perhaps earning a chance to pray upon the island on which he was born.  


  • Protect those who stand without the means to safeguard their own.
  • Offer onto your guardians the means to empower their vigilance.
  • Leave not your allies. To falter in the face of adversity is to abandon life itself.

Notable Relations


  • Nox - Among those who have stood as champions in service of others, Ashnard holds strong faith in the humble devotion of Nox, considering him one of the finest knights and a true ally.
  • Loren - One of Ashnard's most favored students is Loren, who sought to serve as his moon-bathed blade while he would wield sun-scorched splendor, their power in unison the bane of darkness.
  • Arreth - As one thought to be infatuated by the shimmer of gold and wealth, many believe Ashnard a close ally of Arreth, yet others believe their connection one of mutual love for civilization's unity.


  • Jayle - Not only does Ashnard find Jayle's mischievous nature a hassle, he also finds the notion of his freedom and domain a travesty, firmly believing that such a being should not hold divine power.
  • Harakhos - Ashnard holds a seething hatred towards anyone who commands a position of leadership yet has no love for their subjects, Harakhos being a prime example of such.
  • Lyn - While Ashnard has been attributed a desire for the riches of the earth, he is believed to hold no love for those who give into temptation, or those like Lyn who edge others down that path.


God of the Radiant Shield  


Golden King
Guardian of the Eastern Sands
Lord of the Unbreakable Wings  

Moral Compass

Whim & Conscience  


Two crossed wyvern wings made of gold  


Glory to the wings of gold  








The Cave of Wonders


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