Arcane Sight in Gailardia | World Anvil
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Arcane Sight

School: Divination
Sub-School: None
Descriptor: None
Ritual: Yes
Level: Arcane 3rd
Components: Somatic & Verbal
Casting Time: Standard
Range: Personal
Effect/Target: You
Duration: 10 Minutes
Saving Throw: None   This spell functions similarly to Detect Magic, except you can perceive magical auras within 100ft of you, and powerful auras do not mask weaker ones.
Additionally, if an aura is within line of sight, you may make an Arcana check with a DC of 15 + the spell's level to discern the school of magic involved in that one aura.   As a Standard action, you may determine whether the source of an aura, commonly a spellcaster, has access to spellcasting or spell-like abilities, whether these are Arcane, Divine, or Primal, and the spell level of their most powerful ability they can currently use.   Arcane Sight can be made permanent with the Permanency spell.


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