The Voices of Planet

The voices of Planet is a phenomenon that is recorded off the coast of Southern Icia. It only happens at Nights and over the Maasi Sea. This mystery has attracted many scholars from all over the globe to study it. Visitors usually get chills or relive memories once exposed to this phenomenon. Two places were settled to study this chilling anthem.   It is said that the planet, records memories of past lives, or people who recently departed, to important figures, and plays back their words like a radio. What causes this is unknown and for centuries studies tried pinpoint where these sounds were coming from. Each person is reported to hear different voices. The most suspected cause is a Leyline that runs through the area, or a spell that the Great Ancient Dragon Maasii had cast.  
"Is the world crying? I don't think it is, but to bring back memories of those who passed before us...this is what fascinates our desires to be here. What causes this a nd what is it, truely?" ~Roselynn Mentior, Student of the Arcadium.

Song of Memories

Song of Memories is an Ician Town and sanctuary that was built along the coast of the Maasi Sea on the mouth of Cratture River. This settlement is the end station of the Expanse Railway, thought not many trains do leave and enter the city a day. the weather in this sanctuary is very rough, but in the calmest and quietest of nights, People make their way to the shores and mouth of the river to listen. People come here to hear and speak to their lost loved ones, or to remember them in their hearts.  
"I heard him again, my mate. he spoke to me, sung his song as he always did to me. It was as if he were standing besides me once more. I am happy that he still lives on, here." ~Dedaroga Van'Siif, Ician Widow

Arcadium of Harmony

One of the most interesting settlements on this land is the castle known as the Arcadium of Harmony. This castle had been built on the harshest and most remote of lands. It doubles as a Port city and a town to the people about. The purpose of this however was to scientifically study The Voices of Planet. To this day they still have come up short on what causes this and to this day remain studying the phenomenon. This settlement has no direct connection to the traditional and ancestral city of Song of Memories.  
"I beleive it's Maasi's doing, really. Who else aside from Wooshu can project this kind of magic. Crystals are known to record life events, right? Ice is a crystal, and Maasi is an Ancient Ice Dragon. My research however draws no concluson!" ~Ammir Rostolov, Arcadium harmonics mage.


Voices are heard to speak as if they were on a radio. People that no one ever knew are heard, but people do report hearing those close to them that have since passed on. All though these voices to not directly interact with the people who visit the shores during this phenomenon , people usually take it as closure or to findĀ  answers.   The voices are heard on a very specific set of conditions. There must be no clouds, no wind, and no storms. The voices were heard during snowfalls, however. When this happens the listener is enthralled and remains listening for a specific voice to them, to get closure or 'answers'. though it is unclear if these voices to target specific individuals. Most people report to feel at peace and closure.   The voices are very faint and complete and utter silence must be attained to hear them. They last for a few minutes before the howling of the wind or the crashing of water upon the shores drowns them out eventually. This of course has brought people from all over Gaia to witness and to be at peace here.   The Arcadium is quickly becoming a large mage college for those interested in the mystery and Ice magic.
Date of First Recording
12 AS
Date of Setting
Since the Shattering


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