The Three Moons in Gaia | World Anvil

The Three Moons

The Three Moons, It is said that the Celestian Emperor  and his family hatched During the rise of Drinalis, Eaeston, and Arbavor, when all three, even the shattered moon was brightly lit in the sky. This has not happened since the founding of the First Empire. The Isarian Celestians hold these moons in great spiritual meaning. Each of the moons are sought to guide their way across the heavens.   Celestia is a beautiful empire nestled within the Jade Jungle. The lizardfolk hold honor and bravery above all, names to bring honor and where dishonor will only sully their names in the eyes of their ancestors. The three moons are their gateways to ascension and any dishonor shall deny them this right, and shame their entire bloodline.   Drinalis is said to be the moon of Sassliss, as their sister empire has lost its way, to dishonor and deceit, to play god where they are not worthy of such a title. The Celestians have made it a mission to not let the same fate befall Eaeston and Arbavor. The true lights and path to ascension.   The celestian cities are beautiful works of art, usually with a moonshrine in each city where they  appease their ancestors. To appease the first hatched under the triumvirate moons. Lesser beings may also be allowed, if they show them respect, and know their place. These lesser races are known as Disciples of the Claw. They usually train day and night to attain true purity. Gekitou, their martial arts are known world wide to be very devastating, and the Moonpath Followers and their Disciples are known to master tooth, claw, and tail, in the form of pure combat, unaided by weapons.   The Isarian people are one of the oldest races of Gaia, Along with Dragons and their cousins. They are also said to have been alive since the Combine Era, the golden age of the Precursors. With this in mind some take it to them that they are the true heirs of Gaia and that they must guide all the others into prosperity and ascension.  


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