Vetia (Nation) Organization in Gahamia | World Anvil

Vetia (Nation)

On the southern shores of Athus is the home of the Vetian people. Skilled craftsmen and rich merchant class have allowed the small area to stay independent from its much larger neighbors. Vetian goods are as great as their legendary diplomatic skills. Vetians are masters of court intrigue and diplomacy. Donning some of the finest armor in all the lands; Vetians stand proud with their individualist freedoms and humanist ideology.


Each city is for all intents and purposes loyal to only its personal Lord. The Lord of each city is almost always backed by one of the three merchant families of Vetia. Vetia is held together by the three families bankrolling the lords and funding the arts and sciences. The three families are Borrizi, Aldisi, and Serlio these families have existed for as far as Vetian history books have been written. With their homes in the city of Vetia it is common for street fights to break out through their very numerous family members. The families will also feud through the use of the lords and cities. Funding lords to oust enemy family lords and extracting control over the small land of Vetia. The families will unite the lords and knights of Vetia against any outside threat whenever someone tries to invade the Vetians.


Military Assets:

The constant quarrels and military funding of the families has kept Vetia on the forefront of military research and crafting techniques. Any lord or knight that has attained one of the families patronage will easily be able to purchase a full suit of the finest crafted Vetian plate armor. The intricate metalworking is not only beautiful but fully functional. Vetians have a strong core of knights that are equipped in heavy armor on horseback. The Vetians have a very large ratio of knights to average foot soldiers compared to the average nation. As about one in ten of every man on the field is a knight in plate the Vetians are still able to pack a large punch with even their small armies compared to their neighbors. Vetians when fighting each other fully believe in the art of the Tollander Code of Knights and if it can be helped will never kill a knight. Knights will surrender and instead be ransomed by the family who lost to the profit of the lord and victor family.

"Our words are as sharp as Slevian steel."

Founding Date
875 AoH
Geopolitical, Republic
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
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