Rare Color Styles in FZG | World Anvil

Rare Color Styles

Rare color styles are based on rare essence colors that are usually quite hard if not impossible to achieve with just training. They are generally more powerful than their normal counterparts and there has rarely been a time where the top tiers of Gods weren't made up mostly of users of these color styles. However, history has also shown time and time again that while a rare color style is certainly an advantage it won't win a conflict on its own and the stronger fighter will still win.

This style is the most common along with black style due to the Sargons inherit connection to the color which results in greatly increased chance among the Sargon of being born with the ability to produce white essence. White essence can easily be transformed into any common color, allowing white style users to become proficient in any of the common styles, however, most prefer to hone their skills in white style. White style utilizes the fact that white essence is extremely energetic as well as easily controllable, essentially allowing them to create energy as destructive as violet essence while still being as easily controllable as red essence. Users of white style usually use short ranged attacks similar to blue and violet style with the same self-buffing however they have their own signature moves. One signature move is white blades, blades made of a highly concentrated flow of white essence that is strong enough to cut cleanly through almost everything. They are also extremely capable mages since their control allows them to cast complex spells but with much greater power than anything a red style user could ever dream of.
Notable examples of white style users include Telion the Bold who was the first Godking and was known for being a master martial artist in hand to hand combat who fluently combined his martial arts with white style to create an incredible deadly fighting style where a single hit of his fists could KO another god.

Black style is often seen as evil and bad, understandably so as it only commonly appears within demons and is often abused by its non-demonic users. However, this has lead to black style having almost died out and even those who use it responsibly are often prematurely killed just to prevent them abusing their power. Black style utilizes black essence which naturally draws energy from its surroundings into itself to enhance itself, hence the black color. Users of black style use this to absorb energy and do so much more effective than orange style users. The main difference to orange style is that black style users cant absorb as much energy as they are constantly absorbing energy from their surroundings, limiting their capability to absorb more energy, however unlike orange style users they can absorb essence right out of a living being, Soul included. This doesn't even require body contact if the user is strong enough, however, in an even battle, this is only possible with direct body contact or some other very strong conduit for the user essence. Once direct contact is established though only the users' skill limits how much energy he can take from his opponent. Attacks and shields using black essence are also commonly used and are easily capable of absorbing whatever energetic obstacle is in their way, enhancing their own strength while doing so.
Notable black style users include Jared Wolf who used blades out of black essence that would drain the enemies life as well as 2 famous techniques, the black king field, a zone of total darkness around him in which any energy got immediately absorbed and the black lotus during which parts of his soul are broken off and formed into the shape of razor-sharp lotus petals. These petals can then glide around the battlefield, cutting up everything in their way as well as absorbing energy they come in contact with. They usually cycle around Wolf like leaves caught in a vortex, but he can also direct them into a specific direction.

This style is among the more uncommon rare styles and is only naturally present within the Palir and almost nonexistent in any other race. Users of this style use silver essence to enhance their bodies to great levels, on par with blue and violet style users as well as manipulate their direct surroundings. Most notably is the iron skin technique which creates a stiff, dense second skin of essence over parts of the user's body that looks and feels like metal and enhances the user's resistance to attacks enormously at the cost of mobility. Even a non-proficient user of silver style can become resistant to bullets with little effort. Users of this style are also able to release their essence in destructive waves from their body that are especially strong against essence based defenses like the iron skin technique itself. It is also possible to manipulate time within the user's body to cause the user to be accelerated or decelerated. For the strongest among the silver style users, it is also possible to inject their essence into an enemy to cause the same effects in their body.
Notable examples of users of this style include Warren Palir who was considered to be almost invincible and who was able to maintain his iron skin without restricting his movement at all and could apply his iron skin to any object he touched allowing him to use almost anything as a weapon in combat. Another notable example is Lee Rinshu who was unable to use the iron skin technique but was a master of the silver wave technique that allowed him to enhance his martial arts with essence waves that easily broke through his enemies defenses, but his control was so great that he could modulate his waves from raw destruction to subtly influencing his target's mind.

Another quite uncommon rare style, gold style utilizes golden essence and allows the user to greatly manipulate his surroundings. As with white essence, golden essence can also be easily converted to any common essence color and it is not uncommon for people with golden style to never even notice because their body converts it into common colors. However, for those who can use the golden essence within themselves, the possibilities are limitless. Gold style is considered to be the ultimate mage style as it allows such great manipulation of one's surroundings. Most common in gold style is gravity manipulation, often creating high gravity zones that crush enemies and block attacks. Raw essence attacks are also quite common since gold styles great controllability allows for complex spells that utilize just raw gold essence. For stronger users, it even possible to manipulate time, either slowing it down or speeding it up entire areas. The most common use of gold style however was the creation of Laium, a metal made entirely from essence. While Laium could also be created from other types of essence it was most pure and most effective when created with gold essence and users of gold style were able to freely form the Laium as if it were a liquid while it maintained its incredible durability to outside attacks at the same time.
Notable gold style users include Dranell Gon who is considered to be the only being capable of completely freezing time even if just in a small area. Another notable user is Kolan Falina who was among the greatest mages to ever exist. Many of the strongest spells are simply named after the book and page within his works where they can be found. He is most famous for the creation of the Laium Golems that protected the Council of Gods Island on Ilria. These Golems were 100m tall each and were the last line of defense before the councilmembers themselves.

The rarest among the natural rare styles, grey style is not so much a single style, but merely the product of someone possessing grey essence which can freely and at no cost be converted to any other color, even rare ones. Users of grey style are a jack of all trades, but as much as they are powerful they are also incredibly rare. Grey essence is naturally only found in weak lifeforms who don't possess what it takes to form a distinct color style and experiments to utilize these creatures grey essence or give them enough intellect to use it themselves always results in the grey essence instantly converting and staying a different, usually common color. This is because everyone has a natural color, given by their race, personality and all the other factors that made them who they are while grey is a neutral color. Scientists often speculate that any and all essence is grey in the very moment of its creation, but after that it changes into another color to fit the individual it was created from. The only known person to use grey style is the first god Gon'Sha himself.

Void style also known as the forbidden style does not utilize any naturally occurring form of essence. Instead it uses void essence, a colorless form of essence that comes from outside the universe. It is incredibly destructive, acting essentially as anti-matter and anything it comes into contact with is destroyed. It is said that void essence can only be obtained by having an audience with The Void. No one knows exactly what the void is or how you can contact it and it seems that in all of history only a few people were able to do so, however void essence can spread from these sources like a plague. While inherently destructive it can appear in a dormant state in which its destructive powers are greatly limited. People who come into contact with dormant void essence can absorb it into their body, allowing them to use void style, however every time they actively use void essence it permanently damages their body and soul which is why void style users always end up the same. As their body deteriorates their mind also degrades, making them become insane until eventually they lose control and are consumed by the void essence. While it might seem logical to just not use void style then it is harder said then done, as even the dormant void essence will slowly cause people to go insane and become more and more likely to use it. When used void style is the most dangerous and powerful style there is, as a simple raw essence attack made up of void essence can not be stopped by anything as it destroys any form of matter it touches. The only way to defend is to dodge or to freeze time where the latter only delays the effect of the attack. Void style is the only known way to permanently destroy Godstones or generally any form of matter or energy. Most famously Vanus, King of the Void, was the first person to ever come into contact with the void and who became the first user of void style. He was also one of only 2 people who were able to use void essence without any ill effect on their bodies and the incredible power that came with this made it almost impossible to defeat him.


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