Seal of the Arch Bishop Item in Fyria | World Anvil

Seal of the Arch Bishop

There it lay, illuminated by lantern light under the thick glass of the church's artifact vault. Visible for a few coins and a quick prayer. The Seal of the Arch Bishop. It's polished wooden handle and circular copper seal in remarkable condition for its age. It had been used for centuries by the Arch Bishop's of Aldelgis, before the sudden disappearance of Arch Bishop Grigory Alstaf. Here it now sits on display ever since his disappearance years ago. As if in penance for something it had not done or hadn't done yet.   But now many years later the vault creaked open, unsealed by a man who hadn't been seen in many moons. Come to retrieve a possession he had never given up. The faint outline of a face creased with age, smiling, takes hold of the seal and holds it tight to his chest.   "You are home now old friend, and your powers will be used for good once again," whispers the man softly. A cool breeze gently drifts through the small room, and suddenly the man is gone. And with him the Seal of the Arch Bishop.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A unique and magical seal that was anointed by the touch of the first Arch Bishop of Aldelgis. Its magical properties allow it to magically seal any document it is used on. These seals can only be broken by the Arch Bishop or by those he has giving his blessings too.


This seal is both of great personal importance and significantly important to several orders in the Empire of Aldelgis. This seal was created for use by the High Church of the Empire of Aldelgis for the first Arch Bishop of the Empire of Aldelgis. It was eventually gifted to Grigory Alstaf when he was anointed to the position of Arch Bishop. He used this seal for many years when he held this position.   After Alstaf went missing the seal was retired and sat unused for a number of years, sealed in a glass vault amongst other church artifacts. One day, however, the seal went missing from the vault. It is now rumoured to be back in the possession of Grigory Alstaf, former Arch Bishop and Patriarch of the Empire of Aldelgis and current Head Priest of the Alphasian Church of Restoration. Though this information is only a rumour and has not been confirmed as Alstaf has made no public appearances.
Seal of the Arch Bishop
Item type
Unique Magical Item - One of a Kind
1 lb.
10cm x 5cm
Base Price


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