Heldra - The Flickering Fire Flower

She couldn't believe her eyes, the whole field seemed to have been set ablaze overnight. She was about to yell out for help when she realized her error and breathed a sigh of relief. Just last night it was a rudish looking field of leathery brown pods. Now the field that stretched out before her sparkled brightly in the cresting morning light, the field of Heldra Flowers having bloomed earlier that morn. Their bright red and orange petals now whipping back and forth in time to the winds gusts, creating a hypnotic flow that seemed as if it were aflame. It was a rare sight indeed, she savoured it for a few more minutes before prying her self from their lure. She had a lot to do now, she picked up her gardening tools and set to work.

Biology and Growth Cycle

In the past, Heldra would bloom in mid-summer, enjoying the hot temperate weather of Heldrin during these months. The flowers would sit in small clusters of four to eight, though many of these clusters were typically found together, creating massive fields of the flower. Before they matured their petals were hidden, closed in a tight leathery pod that was a displeasing muddy brown in colour. Once they matured, however, they blossomed into palm-sized flowers. The mature flower has three large brightly colours petals, the inner portion of which is deep red, with the borders being bright orange. In the wind, the flowers look like a flickering flame, dancing on winds breathe. Many people have mistaken it for true field fires. They stay in bloom for up to a fortnight.   Within the stem of the Heldra flower is a thick burgundy liquid, it is very sticky and filled with tiny seeds. It is slightly acidic and causes a mild burning sensation when touched. Consuming this raw ichor can cause extreme irritation to the throat and stomach lining, and may even cause permanent internal damage. If you find yourself accidentally consuming any of this liquid Sumner herbalists suggest a draught concocted of goats milk, sugar, and the juice of a potato is suggested as a remedy.


These flowers are increasingly rare and very endangered, as such, it is illegal by Heldrin law to pick them. Only state-appointed botanist and herbologists may pick and handle the plant, as they require immediate study upon locating. The Heldrin botany community has been tasked with discovering ways for the state to effectively grow larger numbers of the flower. If a significant cluster of Heldra is found it must be reported to the capital at once, a commoner may do this by alerting the nearest guard, who will then write a report on the location, size, and condition of the cluster, and send it to the capital. From there a specialist in botany from the capital will be sent out to investigate the cluster, the area may be made temporarily off-limits while the investigation is ongoing.   Used to grow in fields as far as the eye could see, the petals, red and orange, would wave in the breeze and would imitate the flickering flame. Many people in the past tell stories of feeling momentary panic at seeing these fields before realizing all that had occurred was a field of Heldra had bloomed. The flower is incredibly rare now and is close to extinction due to the over farming of the lands in central Heldrin.


If the stem of a mature flower is cut and the seeds and liquid within are harvested, it can be used to create a cure for a disease called the Venous Plague, a disease that reduces the bodies ability to absorb oxygen into the bloodstream. This disease is extremely deadly and causes death within a matter of a few days. In the past, the Venous Plague wreaked havoc across the western coast, especially in Heldrin where it killed many thousands. After, this cure was discovered the disease was reigned and almost completely eliminated. No known cases have been reported in recent years. Due to the current rarity of this flower if the disease was to come back the population of Heldrin would be in grave danger as no alternative cure is known to exist.
Scientific Name
Micantia Ignis Florum
Life Cycle - 1 to 2 Months
Bloom Cycle - 1 to 2 Weeks
- Before Bloom - Muddy Brown (Pods)
- After Bloom - Vibrant Red and Orange (Petals)


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