Concealment Bandages Item in Fyria | World Anvil

Concealment Bandages

It was dark, damp, and he was tied to a chair. A situation he was ashamed to admit wasn't out of the ordinary or unexpected. He has pissed off the wrong person once more and that has gotten him into trouble. Obviously, whoever he had fouled had jumped him, knocking him silly before bringing him wherever he was now. His mind still buzzed from whatever they had hit him with. He could see he was in a dim torch lit room, his hands locked in manacles behind his back. The bandage he had wrapped around one of his fingers still clung to his skin, caked with dried blood.   Before he could fully collect his thoughts and survey the rest of the room he heard a loud click, he recognized it as the sound of a key unlocking a heavy lock. Probably a makeshift cell he thought. The door creaked opened and a short finely dressed man and a surly looking guard walked in. "Hi, boys. Care to tell me what I'm doing here?" he asked smuggling.   "Silence scum!" the short one demanded, striking him in the face with a gloved hand. Oof, he thought. That didn't help the ringing in his head.   "You will return what you stole from me, we will keep you here until you confess and tell us where the items are located." the short rude man said, "Then if you are lucky we will drop you in the dirtiest hole we can find, only marginally beaten." the man smiled grimly.   Great, a short man with a complex he thought, "Sure man, you got it. Now just let me out of these cuffs and we can talk business." he said.   "Oh no, we have much to do before the talking can begin. First, you will wait, then I will return with tools that will make you more pliable in the tongue." the short man said.   Gross, he thought.   "Guard this man until I return." the short gross man said turning on his heels leaving the room.   "Yes sir," said the guard closing the door behind. "You really pissed him off, not a bright idea." said the guard circling him, stopping behind him.   "Heh, what did you do here?" the guard said grabbing his bandaged finger and jabbing it roughly with the point of his finger. He winced in pain as fresh blood seeped through the bandage.   The guard made a noise of disgust and walked away stopping at the door of the cell, casually looking out the small window. He seemed to have lost interest in him momentarily. Now was his chance, he quickly he reached his one hand over to the bloodied bandage tugging at it until it came unfurled. His finger beneath the bandage was clean and uninjured. He muttered a quiet word and suddenly from within the bandage appeared a hidden lockpick. Within seconds he had worked the lockpick into the manacles lock, he fiddled around with it until he heard a soft click.   As quietly as he could he stood taking the heavy manacles in his hand. The guard turned towards him, "What the!?" the guard began. Then he swung the heavy manacles cracking down on the guard's skull. The guard dropped like a sack of potatoes.   Phew, he thought. Thank the night for his Concealment Bandage. Now for the tricky part. He leaned down, picking up the guards keys and dagger. He slowly opened the door and made his way towards freedom. He hoped.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Concealment Bandage allows the user to magically hide one item that fits onto the cloth bandage from view. This item can be no larger than the bandage or else the concealment will not happen. The item must also weigh a maximum of 1 lb. The Concealment Bandage will also secrete realistic blood if touched by anyone other than the user. This gives an advantage to the user when being searched for hidden items. Even if this fails the party who is searching will not find the item hidden by the cloth but will discover that the injury is fake, possibly arousing suspicion.

Manufacturing process

A mage who is knowable in the process of crafting magic items must take the material components and conduct an enchantment spell. This is a long, arduous task that has a high chance of failure. Since the components of magical items are so esoteric and difficult to find not many mages have managed to gain enough experience to reliable create magical items.


This item has significant personal benefit for thieves, and any individual looking to hide small important objects upon their person.
Item type
Rare Magical Item
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
A Piece of Cloth The Blood of a Master Thief A Key to a Hidden Door that Nobody has Found


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