Shire Horses
Shire horses are distinct from other breeds of horses from the hair that covers their hooves and the white areas that go up their legs. They are known for their strength rather than speed because of this, they are used in the police forces, fire brigade and as part of trade caravans of village dwellers. Other breeds of horses that are more known for their speed than their strength are primarily used by Messengers that travel in the local areas to deliver messages.
The most notable occupation by these working animals was in the use of dragging up disused telegraph lines from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. These horses were used with a combination with a treadmill crane [Image Left]. The copper cables were then spoiled onto reels to be further processed.
What is desired in shire horses is not the main body colour of the horse, although some trades prefer differing colours. What is desired is the white areas if the horse has these areas reach past the horse’s knees they are seen as a good horse. This is seen as a varying scale so an outstanding horse will have the white patches reaching the knee on all the legs while an average horse has two, the last with only one leg to standard is considered a poor mans horse.Breeding
This standard is also provides breeding and economic opportunities as horses with four legs covered will be more converted and will have more value. All horses of this type are not gelded as this would lower the value of the stallion regardless of how many legs they have covered. When Shire horses which breeding age they will spend a portion of their time supervised by their human owners as they breed. The other portion doing their job.Colouration
Some services prefer differing body colours on their horses, for example, the police force prefers grey horses while the fire brigade and travelling merchants prefer black-bodied horses. Horses are kitted out by being hitched up to the cart of their trade and instructed where to go by the use of a bridle and bit in their mouths.Historic Work
A Person Sized Treadmill Crane
by Authour Not Known
by Authour Not Known
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Pictures Used
Picture of Shire Horse - Picture Link
Picture was Taken by Alexas_Fotos
Picture of Treadmill Crane - Wikimedia Commons
Picture was Taken by Authour not Known Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
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