Salisbury Plain Geographic Location in Future's Seen | World Anvil

Salisbury Plain

Salisbury Plain is a grassy plain that has rolling hills, which is majoritively in Wiltshire, but it is also in Hampshire. It has a surface area of 300 square miles (780km2). It is famous for having the city of Birdencaster and the village of Bulkington as well as the place where Stone Henges can be found in.    The Plain is widely known for its history and archaeology The neolithic period is known for Stone Henges and the burial grounds that litter the plain.   The minimum temperature, is 2C (35.6F) with a high of 22C (71.6F) its precipitation, differs across the year but mostly rains from October to December and January, with the maximum rainfall being in October.   Salisbury Plain is wildly known for a number of plants, such as the burnt-tip orchid, slender bedstraw and field fleawort.   With animals ranging from insects and birds as well as butterflies. The most dangerous of these is an adder which can is venomous. Due to the escaping of domestic dogs onto the plain, which have not been castrated and the return to horse-drawn modes of transportation have resulted in travellers required to go armed to defend against Wolves attacks.   Historically the plains have been used by the ministry of defence, who used some of the areas in training. Who own 47 square miles (120 km2) which are also the biggest army train area in the UK. Most notably, barracks at Larkhill, Bullford, Tidworth Trendchard lines and Waterloo lines.