Raivotauti Condition in Furlancia | World Anvil

Raivotauti (ray-va-tout-e)

Raivotauti is the most notable affliction in the kingdom of Furlancia. Whomever becomes infected will develop a higher than normal temperature usually followed by lethargy and a sensitivity to light. Most of those affected are noted to become strangely afraid of water and the act of drinking becomes difficult.   Once the victim becomes dehydrated from the lack of water they tend become increasingly anxious and agitated. At this stage, for there own safety, treatment lends itself to isolating the victims in a cell as they become overactive and aggressive towards anyone trying to restrain them. Isolation is also essential as the pathogen seems to be passed by saliva leaving all caretakers at risk of contracting this deadly disease.   Though some afflicted may eventually, through their own constitution, overcome this terrible ordeal, it is rare. The mortality rate seems to be extremely high averaging 90%.

Transmission & Vectors

The transmission of the disease appears to be mainly from saliva of those that have been infected. It also can be passed through blood borne transmission though this is rare as the disease is debilitating and those that are affected are isolated quickly.


The cause of the disease is as of yet unknown. From what can be found about those who are first infected they seem to be travellers, merchants, and soldiers who have been travelling through wooded areas with numerous insects.   It has been traced to saliva as the vector as usually the second infection is from a mate or intimate partner.


Lethargy, High temperature, hydrophobia, and a sensitivity to light are the initial symptoms after onset. Followed by anxiety, hyperactivity and aggression. If the victim of the pathogen begins to foam at the mouth it is already too late to save them.


There is no known treatment for the affliction at this time.


The prognosis for this ailment is essentially death. The disease is not overly fast moving unfortunately. It takes days for the first symptom onset to appear allowing it to be passed on to loved ones and travels through smaller communities before it is recognized.


Those that survive, less than 1 in 10, feel the affects throughout there lifetime. Usually they are extremely anxious and dehydrated as hydrophobic tendencies remain with them. A sensitivity to light tends to linger in most whose constitution allows them to recover.   If a patient does recover there is usually a feeling of regret as almost always they will have passed the ailment to someone in their family or a loved one.

Affected Groups

Canine, Feline, Ursus families can all be affected. The disease does not seem to discern age or the sex of those that it inhabits.

Hosts & Carriers

The original hosts have yet to be discovered, all that is known is that it strikes at random. Some have spent years in the areas where someone else will contract the disease. It appears only in the spring, summer and fall. More research must be conducted to determine whatever causes the ailment.


The only true prevention of the disease is through quarantine. If an entire area is afflicted all those living must be required to remain, by force if necessary. This is carried out through the use of only soldiers of the Rodent variety as they are strangely immune to the disease.


It moves through the society as one would expect a saliva vector to. Those affected on the road bring it home to loved ones. Signs of affection and intimacy pass it to loved ones.   Taverns are breeding grounds; if there are shared flagons or cutlery it is passed on that way.


Since the times of the Great Change there have been cases of Raivotauti. Tales of older cases were passed down through verbal history. Those that were afraid of fire and the light. At first it seemed that they were reverting back to their more feral nature when their mouths frothed and they ran back to the wilderness or attacked their companions.

Cultural Reception

In the Kingdom of Furlancia it is extremely feared. It is primarily the carnivores and some omnivores from the Ursus family who seem to be affected and driven into the worst painful frenzies. With the high population density in the city proper of such groups it can cause entire districts to be forced to close by order of the Queen.   The G'san see it with trepidation but as their population is are varied it is easier to control. Though with their communal life it can be devastating if it goes unchecked. The Somi it is the same for the most part but with smaller families groups living in their own dwellings it can be contained.   The Jacks have little fear of it as like all rodents they seem to bee immune to the effects of the disease.   Skreelings found it almost amusing to watch the great Furlancian city being locked down at first. Though this changed after their own community was afflicted and a beloved family of Foxes were lost to the pain and madness that it brought to them. Now it is the only time that the guarantee safe passage of ships bringing aid with no fear of being taken for plunder.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare


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