The Sage Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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The Sage

Ci'mati Folt (a.k.a. The Sage)

Physical Description

Special abilities

He was a powerful cleric who's focus was on debilitating his opponents so they would be easier to fight in melee

Specialized Equipment

He carried the Spear of the Shattered God and used it in combat and as proof of his position

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Sage was a shaden made from Ci'mati entering the The Shadowfell. The Sage proved he was a true shaden and after beginning to exist and making it to the Material Plane, he got into the Shattered God cult and quickly became its leader, controlling its members with his charisma and magics, though he himself was also under the control of a Sacred Treasure. He was defeated at the hands of Kel-dai and his body fallen into a lake of lava within the plane of fire.

Intellectual Characteristics

Cunning and deceitful, he led the Shattered God cult with ambitions for greatness and did so with great success, unifying the ragtag group in ways they had not been before

Morality & Philosophy

The Sage clearly did not favor anyone to much at all, using most people within the Cult as nothing more than pawns

Personality Characteristics


Year of Death
5363 AM
Crimson, Slight Glow
Long Black
Worshipped the Shattered God
Aligned Organization


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