The Gates to Nothing Geographic Location in Fundekein | World Anvil
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The Gates to Nothing

The entrance to the domain of The Void itself. With the only gateway to The Void said to lay at the center of the sun located here


The Gates to Nothing, is a large and expansive space, close to how the plane of Air is. Almost endless swathes of open air with only the occasional rocky 'island' floating within its space. Each of these islands look nearly the same, barren rocky, and without any apparent life. Though some of these seemingly abandoned islands have ancient and ruined temples atop them.   The plane's only source of light is a green 'sun' that sits at a center of the sky at all times. The center of this 'sun's is dominated by a swirling mass of darkness that seems to only be contained by the green orb itself.

Localized Phenomena

Time with the Gates to Nothing are extremely variable with moments spent in it translating to nearly no time at all in the material plane, while other moments pass just the same as those in the material plane, making this plane extremely chaotic. This variable time dilation is a local phenomenon however and not uniform across the plane.   Because of this phenomena, it's possible to enter the plane, and stay for an entire lifetime, only for mere days to pass in the material plane

The Maw

Alternative Name(s)
Maw of the Void
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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