Nier Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Court Mage Nier Gilven- Risar

Nier is the Court Mage of Chargrove and is in charge of most magical handling in Chargrove, at least officially. Almost everyone in Chargrove known of Giel's aptitude with magic and will usually seek her out before speaking with Nier. She doesn't mind this too much since she herself is still under the tutelage of Giel and respects her greatly

Physical Description

Body Features

To help with her own confidence, make her feel like more of a fit with the Gilven, and to 'impress' Kel, Neir had gone to the Surreal Ilse for a body modification

Special abilities

Contrary to how she carries herself or how she would value herself, she is a powerful caster. After nearly 25 years of tutelage from Giel, she has become more than worthy of her title as a Court Mage. Her main focus when using magic is Healing, but she is also a talented evocationist, capable of controlling the weather and causing natural disasters

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a bangle given to her by Kal-Dez years ago   She proudly wears the heavily enchanted Wedding Band given to her by Kel-Dai

Specialized Equipment

Nier carries the Dagger of Endless Nights, given to her by her now deceased parents

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Neir had grown up in Shadford, living with her parents and siblings. This however was short lived, as at 6 years old, Shadford was suddenly attacked by a Tarasque and her family was killed in the attack, leaving her alone and without a home. Nier did her best survive in Shadford's streets alone for years, subsisting off of the scraps she could find and the kindness of others. She started having a better time when a Cleric of Selune found her and imparted their teachings on her, which she greatly appreciated and quickly became a Cleric herself and used her new skill to help others in the town that were in a position similar to her own. She was 17 when a pair of adventures arrived in town and started asking for a cleric to join their party. She agreed to help them out and joined the brothers Martin and Wayne Zarr as their parties cleric. This however did not make their time any easier, as Nier had several problems staying lucid during battle and usually wound up frozen in fear. Neither Martin or Wayne ever admonished her for this though and reassured her that she would get the hang of it eventually. It was months later that a Black Half dragon had wandered into town and needed a cheap adventuring party to accompany him. Martin volunteered his team to accompany the Half-Dragon, Kal-Dez and they set off to Suliva to settle some old scores the Half-Dragon needed done.   When they arrived in Suliva, Nier, Martin, and Wayne helped Kal-Dez hunt down the gang that had betrayed him and taken all of his gear previously. Nier was not too involed with this endeavor as it included doing alot of things she was uncomfortable with doing, but she helped the others stay healthy throughout their fights and troubles. While searching for the gang's boss in the forest outside of Suliva, Kal-Dez had encountered and befriended the Gynosphinx, Mila, though it was never entirely explained how he did so until much later. After Kal-Dez had finally settled his score, he returned to Chargrove to meet his, then fiance, Asgar. They only spent a single night at the castle though before they had to defend themselves and Asgar against assassins sent by Mercy to eliminate the King. Alongside the former Guard Captain of Chargrove, Stacy Farchild. The group was able to keep Asgar safe, and after it battle had finished, Kal-Dez left to investigate the origin of the assassins, leaving Mila, and his adventuring party behind to keep Asgar safe. While Kal-Dez was away Nier met another group of adventurers who came to warn Asgar of an impending siege from Mercy. The Redspawn Sorcerer, Aarcka, The Gnoll Bard Minerv, The Wandering Rouge Shirou, and The Paladin of Tosh'ok, Drakis. With this warning the city began to make preparations for the coming siege. Kal-Dez arrived days later with a information and a plan to have Mila ascend to godhood to better protect the city.   Nier, Martin, and Wayne stayed behind to continue to protect the city while Kal-Dez and the other adventuring party collected what they needed to help Mila ascend. During one of their excursions, Shirou returned with a freed Mercy slave, Galier, who accompanied him into town. While silent the big Half-Minotuar proved he wanted to help protect the city. On another occasion, Drakis had left the city to search for Minerv after they had a falling out, but instead returned with someone who looked exactly like her named Giel, who seemed extremely cold towards most people, but was more than helpful in most situations, even beginning to teach Nier simple cleric spells to better support her allies. After another outing Darkis had returned with another new ally, a kobold that had called themselves a hero and proclaimed proudly that he alone would save them all, Amulas, while he was loud and his bravado at times grating, Nier couldn't help liking him, even having a small crush on him during that time.   When the siege finally arrived, the whole city was taken by surprise, Mila was kidnapped by the Daughters of Mercy and the city was being bombarded with artillery while being attacked by Mercy soldiers and demons that they summoned to help them. Kal-Dez asked Martin, Nier, and Wayne to watch the South gate while he left with Aarcka to go get Mila. Drakis left to deal with the entire army by himself. Galier and Giel stayed in the royal castle to help protect Asgar, while Stacy, Shirou and Amulas went out to help the citizens of Chargrove. Nier and her companions kept the gate as safe as they could until two of the Daughters of Mercy came to get through the gate.   Martin and Wayne did their best to keep the two at bay with Nier's support, but they were easily overwhelmed by the pair, with Claire even killing Wayne before Shirou and Stacy arrived to help them. Though even the experienced fighters continued having problems against two sisters, and while they were eventually subdued, Stacy had died in the conflict aswell.    The city was still being bombarded by artillery from afar when they Daughters were apprehended, with the army beginning to close in aswell. But in moments Nier had watched from the city gate as a storm of unparalleled power had gathered and then swept across the army with shocking fury, wiping thousands away in mere moments. She was paralyzed by fear knowing that any mortal could have that much power, and despite knowing that Drakis was on their side, she would fear him as an agent of death, rather than the paladin of nature that he was.   In the aftermath of the siege, Mila was able to ascend and begin protecting the city again, but much of it needed repair and many had been killed or injured. Kal-Dez, Aarcka, Shirou, Drakis, and Amulas left for the Vaal ruins to look for an artifact that could help bring Mercy down. Kal-Dez returned from that outing with a small crystal with enough magical energy to keep the two Daughters of Mercy in custody trapped for years to come. Aarcka and Drakis had found something they believed could help them, and left from the ruins to Teith, to slay the current Queen of Mercy, Syndra. While the specifics of that encounter are known to no one save those two, it was mere days after they left that Teith was left in ruins and the war had ended. Shirou and Amulas however had disappeared without a trace, neither being heard of again for decades afterwards. To this day, Nier still wishes she could have at least known what happened to Amulas, still not aware of his ultimate fate.   [More to come]


Had no education until she became Giel's student, then she was taught in almost every topic reasonable becoming knowledgeable in most areas and a skilled caster


Is the Court Mage of Chargrove

Accomplishments & Achievements

She is extremely proud to finally have someone else who values her   She holds alot of pride in being the Court Mage for Chargrove, even if the only one who consults her in important matters is Kal-Dez   She would never brag about it, but she helped Kal-Dez and Mila hunt down and eliminate the original God of Time   She is immensely proud to have her two children Paeris and Elina. While she still has doubts she can be an effective mother, she is ready to do all that she can for them

Failures & Embarrassments

She is embarrassed by her phobia, and does her absolute best to make sure it never comes up or becomes relevant   She is also embarrassed that in most of the fights she took place in, in the past, she didn't see herself as doing much to help, which contributes to her current undervaluing of herself   She still see's as a personal failure of hers, that when Martin, Wayne, and her fought Trish and Claire Arno, they had only barley won, and at the cost of Wayne's Life   She wishes that she could've done more when Kel-Dai was fighting Goremel

Mental Trauma

She has a paralyzing fear of monstrosities that comes from her surviving the Tarrasque attack that killed her family   After her fight with the pair of Daughters in Chargrove, and then Claire subsequent escape, she is terrified that Claire will come back to kill her and everyone she cares about for imprisoning her in the first place   Nier constantly feels inadequate in most things, being ignored most her life and not being paid attention to by most people. Until meeting Kel-Dai the only people who ever gave her any real notice were Kal-Dez, Martin, and Giel

Morality & Philosophy

As a cleric of Selune, it is no surprise that Nier is extremely caring and kind. She is willing to help almost anyone in any way she can. She'll avoid violence whenever she can, but isn't above using it

Personality Characteristics


To keep her new family and Chargrove safe as well as she can

Likes & Dislikes

She really likes strawberries, becoming slightly obsessed after Kel-Dai was able to have her try some strawberry flavored desserts


Contacts & Relations

Student of Giel

Family Ties

After moving into the Gilven manor, Nier grew close to Rizsani seeing her as the mother she never got to have, and asking her advice when she can.   She has also grown rather close to Khar-lan, seeing him as an excellent grandfatherly figure, she enjoys talking to him about magic and discussing other intellectual topics

Religious Views

She avidly worships Selune, but she is reluctant to do so with Mila for a multitude of reasons that all stem from knowing her from before her ascension, and sees Mila as more of aunt
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Court Mage of Chargrove   Silver Adventurer
Date of Birth
11th of Amani
Year of Birth
5319 AM 44 Years old
Current Residence
Gilven Manor
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tannish Scales
Quotes & Catchphrases
"What can I do to help?"
Worships Selune
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Most languages, save for extraplanar ones
Character Prototype


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