Evan'hal Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Count Evan'hal Tartel (a.k.a. Hal)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as the first son of the noble family of Narset, Evan'hal was always going to be its leader. Though that came far sooner after his father had initially refused to help in the war effort during the Mercy/Eastland conflict. He was then executed under the orders of Syndra Arno for failing to aid the Royals and committing treason against the crown. Evan'hal was then immediately instated and asked on the spot what his stance was going to be on the matter with his fathers body still present on execution block. Faced with execution aswell, he pledged allegiance to the crown and aid for the war effort, however he went out of his way to make sure the city gave as little as possible to the conflict and tried to stay away as much as he could. However, to seemingly put Evan'hal in his place, Syndra had both of his sons were conscripted in the military and sent to the No Mans Land, where they did not return from. Broken spirited, he no longer resisted aiding the war effort in attempt to keep his wife and daughter from meeting the similar fates.   After the war ended, Evan'hal was able to keep his city afloat due to resisting the royals for so long. He concentrated all of his efforts into making sure the city wouldn't fall into ruin or be invaded by any of the other nobles in Mercy, and still does to this day. remaining neutral in all the growing conflicts

Morality & Philosophy

He does his absolute best to be good and just, following in his fathers example and against most people of Mercy, believes that all are made equal and should be judged equally

Personality Characteristics


To keep his city and family safe
Current Location
Year of Birth
5297 AM 66 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations


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