Esota Species in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Basic Information


These cat sized creatures are made mostly of plant matter and magic, they are nearly weightless when interacted with. They dont seem to have anything on the inside of their bodies and while alive there leafy coat can act as a limited bag of holding, which they use to store flowers and seeds   their flowery coat is completely depends on their diet changing colors to match their diet, because of this, wild Esotas are usually multicolored

Genetics and Reproduction

it is unknown exactly what the proper way they reproduce are, but the most common way seems to be by splitting every few years

Ecology and Habitats

they prefer deep forest or sprawling plains, where they can easily find their food and use there life-sense to its greatest advantage

Dietary Needs and Habits

they are herbivorous and while they can eat any plant they prefer flowers over anything else, seemingly drawn to bright colors rather than any actual nutritional value


they are skittish beings and are preyed upon by most over creatures that are carnivorous, even being lured into traps by Yoakk with flower arrangements in silk. Though if they get used to seeing a particular individual they may try to interact with it, even if it happens to be a predator

Additional Information


while they can be hard to find, they are easily caught once they are due to the lack of any real dexterity. people can catch Esotas and simply have them in an enclosed garden space, they will quickly get used to the people that visit and treat them as cartakers

Uses, Products & Exploitation

some adventurers who do not have a large budget will sometimes keep an Esota pet to store simple and small items within their coat   talented mages will sometimes harvest the Esotas coat and use them to make specialty bags of holding, these kind are the ones most usually found sewed into clothing since it is easy to manipulate their color and texture

Average Intelligence

they are only slightly less intelligent than the average dog

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have a druidic like sense and can detect life in a large area, using this to avoid predators and other potential dangers, an Esota will only show itself if it believes it is not in any danger

Civilization and Culture


While Esotas seem to have a fae lineage, they are not actually fae themselves, but may have been millennia ago
Genetic Ancestor(s)
30 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
with their leafy coat being based on their diet, it is common for people that keep Esotas as pets to only feed them a particular flower to give them a uniform coat with a certain color and texture


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