Danneth Waylen Character in Frozen North | World Anvil
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Danneth Waylen

Speaker of Easthaven.
  Danneth Waylen is the earnest, if fretful, speaker of Easthaven. He never wanted the position, but he was nominated for it when the town’s business leaders, after nearly tearing Easthaven apart in their contests to claim the title after the last speaker’s death, finally decided to compromise on a neutral party. Danneth’s humility and forthrightness made him an ideal candidate, and his sense of duty precluded him from declining the nomination. Just coming into middle age, with green eyes and tousled auburn locks that often garner him unwanted romantic attention. Danneth owns two of the town’s most profitable fishing vessels, and he was a fisher himself before turning his attentions to the town’s myriad problems. He tends to be soft-spoken, though his voice carries an undertone of steely determination.
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: by Erik Wirtz


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