Orc Species in From Our Darkest Desires | World Anvil


Orcs are mortal humanoids originating from Farengoth. They are mutated High Elves.   They came to be after the Celestial Kraal made a deal with a dissident group of High Elves who wanted to break apart from the Cult of Saelen. Kraal offered them great power in exchange for their service against their former goddess.   Orcs are practically incapable of manipulating Primal Blood. Their mutation has rendered them almost impervious to most magics, and therefore prevents them from using magic. Only a bare few in a generation ever manages to use magic, and they are often relatively weak compared to other mortals.   Orcs are not to be trifled with however, as their mutation has increased their muscle mass significantly. Orcs possess a strength beyond that of most mortal species and their fury and berserker state is the tale of legends.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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