Kinder von Morgen Organization in Freiberg | World Anvil

Kinder von Morgen

Though the agents of the Rilasciare operate all across Théah, they long ago targeted Eisen as the tinder to spark a new revolution to do away with the Church, monarchies and all subjugation. While the rest of the organization is spread thin, a smaller group has broken away from the Rilasciare proper in the face of the establishment of the Sarmatian Commonwealth.   This new group, calling themselves the Kinder von Morgen or “Children of Tomorrow,” has set the Commonwealth as a blueprint for how to establish a new and free Eisen. Many members, former Rilasciare members from the Commonwealth, have brought their experience in their own country to teach and mentor the hot-blooded young Eisen.   The Kinder are highly organized, with a functional hierarchy and members organizing under a common banner. They stage rallies and speeches in every königreiche, they print pamphlets and have criers at every city corner informing the common people about a hope of taking leadership into their own hands. Agents also execute more daring, covert actions to hinder the rise of any new potential monarch in the country. Their main targets for action are the various Eisenfürsten, though they focus more on the Iron Princes who mistreat or ignore the needs of their people. Many hold Niklas Träge as an almost ironic figure of reverence and wish to convince him to support transforming Eisen into a Commonwealth alongside Sarmatia.   The Kinder recruit only from the disaffected and the commoners, abjuring the assistance of nobility, and rage against the Iron Guard as the militarized arm of the old leadership. Recently their eyes have also turned towards the Vaticine Church in an effort to make sure no organizations, such as the Inquisition, gain a foothold once more in the country. Their sign, the clenched fist around a drachen’s throat, symbolizes the stranglehold the nobility has maintained on their people for far too long.   They keep a headquarters in a converted noble’s household-turned-tavern in Freiburg called the Amber Eye. The place is maintained by jennys, all members of the organization and experts at gathering and trading information.


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