Drachen Species in Freiberg | World Anvil


Drachen are in essence the symbol of Eisen. Early Eisen tribes worshiped the monsters from afar, hoping to gain some measure of their might. As time went on, the drachen became ingrained into their society, representing everything from the power of the gods to the nobility of Imperators. Today Eisen citizens view the drachen as a symbol of strength, willpower, and the refusal to give in — everything that the country once was and hopes to be again.   But the Eisen also see the drachen in a much darker light: as an uncontrollable power of nature, as the harshness of an uncaring world, and as a force which can toss them aside like twigs. Both aspects resonate deeply with the Eisen, and both play a vital role in their society. Drachen images dominate Eisen artwork, tales of the creature form a pillar of literature, and soldiers often invoke the drachen before going into battle. Despite the fact that no one has laid eyes on a drachen for almost a century, these trends continue.   Drachen themselves were said to be 40-80 ft. long, with powerful claws and crushing jaws. In addition, their hide is so thick that it turns aside many weapons without effect. The drachen adapted well to their mountainous homes in eastern and western Eisen, proving more agile and quick than many Théans would believe possible for a creature of that size. They were deadly trackers and can chase their prey for days. They’ve even been known to leap off tall cliffs to ambush interlopers. A man or woman bringing back proof that he has found a Drachen can expect a hero’s treatment in Eisen.


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