Snow Bitzer Species in Frantumare | World Anvil
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Snow Bitzer

Snow Bitzers are canine-like animals that resides in Soucriant and owned by the Kholodnese as pets or warrior canines. They are thick with fur and extremely loyal to their owner, though a single violence from their owner will cause the Bitzer to turn against them and maul their owners without mercy.
  Though they are known for their gentle looks, they are extremely aggressive towards outsiders and have been known to maul other Bitzers just from approaching each other.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Snow Bitzers can only strive in Soucriant as temperature above 10 degrees Celsius will cause them to be sick and above 15 Celsius will kill the Bitzers. This is due to their inadaptability to heat and their coats cannot be shaved to prevent a special oil that protects their skin from frost bite to be washed off by sweat. Bitzers strive in the cold and are able to find their food in the snow regardless how deep it is.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Snow Bitzers dig into the snow once they found the location of their prey. Often, they will slam themselves into the snow, ploughing in to yank out a rabbit or weasels from their burrows. Sometimes they would hunt for Snow Birds by jumping into the air, though their chance of capture is 15% as the weight of a Bitzer's fur will hinder their jump attempts for the birds.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their hearing are the best when it comes to hunting during snow storm or searching for prey in the thick snow. Their sense of smell are also commendable as they are able to smell even as deep as six feet in the snow. Their familiarity to their surroundings enables their owners to navigate through snowstorm and remain on the same path until they are able to reach home.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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