The Laborem Work Camp Settlement in Fractura | World Anvil
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The Laborem Work Camp

"The crackdown and torture changed my life forever. I used to be called a Memorian by my peers before I was caught. I guess I'm lucky that I'm alive from being caught by the royal guards outside The Palace. Then after the interrogations I was shipped to the camp via a dank, disease ridden, camp. The pungent stench of the inside of the boat was the worst part, it probably came from the rats. Most didn't survive the hellish journey to the work camp, the ship acted as a sick test to eliminate the weak. But I can't make it look like the Vindexians are saints, I heard they torture prisoners with hot irons for fun. I recount these experiences because of recent intel I've collected. If all goes as planned, and I sneak onto the dock, I'll be collected by my people. Finally, I'll be free from feeding Provectus' greedy mouth its minerals." - Aaron Vanguard (A Memorian who was imprisoned at this camp)


This island holds imprisoned Provectors and Vindexian prisoners of war. Most of them are housed in huts next to the work buildings.


The prison camp is supervised under the Provector military. Guards protect the camp from raids and kill those who attempt to escape.


Besides the numerous soldiers, large wooden walls line the coast only spacing for the docks. This is meant more to intimidate foes rather than for actual protection. Along these walls lie shooting towers and stone reinforcements.

Industry & Trade

Ships, weapons, armor, and everyday items are made here. Items are assigned to each worker everyday that they must complete by a deadline. Usually if the work is left incomplete, food will be withheld for several days. The work buildings lead underground into the mines. Miners have a quota to dig up specific amount of minerals daily. Since mining is a team effort, the work usually gets done quickly.


Rivers were irrigated near the huts so prisoners can easily drink without having it interfere with their work. Some land is sectioned out into farmland to grow food so that it isn't imported from Provectus itself. Not much resembling a civilization resides on this island besides the work buildings.


The island holds some valuable minerals belowground and has some fertile soil. This may not seem too important to the average Vindexian, but to Provectus this is a dream island.


Not much has been recorded about the island as it's supposed to be kept secret. The only notable event is the raid from the Forverret in which Robert Gaul was rescued.


Most of the island consists of flatlands and plains. Rivers have been irrigated all around the island for easy access to prisoners and guards. There are a few nice beaches around the south coast with clear water and pleasant weather.
Military, Camp
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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