Humans Species in Fractal Universe Private Alpha | World Anvil
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"They called themselves 'Humanity' and claim to be a race of explorers. Their history is littered with instances of war amongst themselves, often squashed after a few short years. Though sometimes lasting for decades. I am not sure we should trust them, but they have agreed to work with us in mutual partnership, with the full knowledge passed down by our Treya the Terrible of the Galactic Security Force that if they try to pull any militaristic maneuvers within the boundries of the Galactic Community they will be put down."
— A report on the Humanity, archived within The Galactic Research Foundation's central library

Ahsi scholars have noted with some concern that despite the fact that all humans are, in fact, the same species, humanity have been known at many points in their history to hold biases against other humans for things as simple as spoken language, belief system, or skin color. Human scholars like to point out in reply that no race is perfect, despite what the Galactic Community would have you believe and there's plenty of instances of speciesism and racism at play in the Galactic Community, what with entire species being written off as not worthy because they can't leave their star system, or the fact that the Zurosian's have over the years, multiple times went to war with and attempted to subjugate and enslave their brother race the Fenati.

Basic Information


The average adult human is between 5' and 7' with some notable exceptions depending on the time period. They are bipedal, have two arms, and in general are possessed of five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot. Body build, skin tone, and even facial structure can vary greatly from individual to individual even on the same road or in the same family, again generational variances and time periods can affect this greatly.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humanity has fairly decent sight and hearing capabilities, though the Vrensean far outshine them in the hearing department, and the Zurosian can see colors humanity never even dreamed of. On a similar note, however, Humanity has one of the most diverse set of speech making skills ever observed in a galactic species, being capable of speaking dozens of langauges with ease, even ones that don't sound anything alike or contain phenomes considered impossible to produce by Scholars.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Seekers of Truth
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens sapiens


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