The Summerian Situation Plot in Four Kingdoms | World Anvil
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The Summerian Situation



  The Grit and the Grind - Oswin Shoreditch (deceased), Sathi, and Malo
Trio of adventurers who secretly worked for the summer kingdom ensuring trials are fair
  The Ringed Roses - Olai Thonemany (deceased), Havo, and Gia
Trio of adventurers who cheated at the trial of Ivaran every year
  Thonemany Family - merchant nobles who run Ivaran and weild a great deal of political clout within the kingdom, Olai was one of the heirs
  Mysterious Trio - Kima, Moa, Onoana
Trio of unknowns who participated in the trial of Ivaran and kicked the asses of the Ringed Roses, to everybody's surprise
  Raywalkers - criminal organization that has presence in every major settlement in Summer
  Qu Guard - work for the government of the Summer Kingdom, the Quintessency. Individual high ranking members are referred to as Ques. So Qu Freyre, Qu Kai, etc.



  Raywalker Duan blackmailed the party into messing with the Ringed Roses at the trial, the party halfheartedly tried to point the authorities towards Duan, Duan naturally figured out they had done that and so kidnapped Talasea's friend again
  People started asking around trying to find Aphid, since Aphid hadn't been in disguise when they went to mess with the Ringed Roses, the party decided to dodge the authorities
  Grit and the Grind approached the party and proposed some mutual assistance: they kill Raywalker Duan and Olai Thonemany and make it look like they killed each other, thus putting the factions at war and solving both issues
  The party accepted, killed the criminal bothering them, then let the Ringed Roses go on their merry way along with members of the Raywalkers who watched them kill Duan. Then they skip town.
  Last session, party finds out they are wanted in connection with the deaths of Olai Thonemany and Oswin Shoreditch. They call Sathi to ask about it, Sathi is less than pleased.
  Jack's sister reveals that Freyre, the person they're looking for, is a member of the Qu Guard and has been gone longer than usual while investigating a crew that rolled into town to do something disastrous, something to do with smuggling. Sister urges the party not to get involved because she already notified the person's handler and the person's co-workers may show up while looking into it.
  Now the two remaining members of the Ringed Roses and a member of the Mysterious Trio who beat them at the trial of Ivaran appear to be working together. Qu guards are referring to them as the Torn Roses.

Cover image: Kingdom Spread by Kethry Tiggs


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