Session 053: Raid in the Reverie Report in Four Kingdoms | World Anvil
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Session 053: Raid in the Reverie

General Summary

We open upon the North Wind as they head deeper into the jungles that served first as Verity's refuge and then as his prison. They locate the campsite that Verity once occupied and the signs of violence that was enacted there. They continue deeper and are plagued by traps as they try to navigate. However, they eventually manage to catch up with The Reverie Raiders as they argue about what to do with their prisoners.   The Raiders gear up for a big 'ol confrontation that is quickly nipped in the bud by a timely and outrageously high intimidation check, backed up by the huge floating ship in the sky. They turn over not one, but two prisoners in burlap sacks, and get the fuck out of there without much fuss.   The North Wind open the burlap sacks to find one very confused firbolg and a bruised Verity.   Zenith and Verity are reunited at last.   The group heads back to the ship and convenes with the Empress and Temperance. The firbolg introduces herself as Alextra the Weaver, from the city of Saimon in the land of Eevia. In the course of the conversing with Alextra, it becomes clear: the world that Alextra knows is incredibly different from the Four Kingdoms. Alextra talks about ships that sail through the air, mechamages that deal with how advanced magics work, creations the likes of which the Four Kingdoms have never seen. And when the group tries to conceive of worlds beyond the Four Kingdoms and the continent upon which they exist...   They come up blank.   There is only the Four Kingdoms.   In the course of the conversation, the Empress implies that she too is from this other reality.   More places are mentioned: Ilvensia, Everlands, the Quatroads. And we all definitely remember the context in which those names were dropped. More things are said (probably). Eventually, the conversation winds down. Verity asks to rest and asks that Zenith stay with him. And the meeting of minds comes to a close.   We end with all of the group's objectives accomplished... and wondering what comes next.
Report Date
03 Mar 2024

Cover image: Kingdom Spread by Kethry Tiggs


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