Session 007: Felled Roses Report in Four Kingdoms | World Anvil
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Session 007: Felled Roses

General Summary

For most of the onlookers watching the match between the Ringed Roses and the trio known only as Kima, Moa, and Onoana, it is already a foregone conclusion. A match worth watching, certainly, but soothing in its predictability.
  But from the beginning, the North Wind can see it going wrong. The Ringed Roses bicker with a Thonemany representative at the side of a playing field cluttered with symbols and sigils that glow dimly under the Summerian sun. Oke Thonemany mutters with a cluster of people cloaked in red. Zenith naturally casts Detect Thoughts and sees Oke’s panic and watches as he comes to the conclusion that ‘she’ is going to kill him. And as he considers who could have tampered with the match.
  To the obvious rage of the Ringed Roses, the match moves forward as unplanned. And the black-cloaked figures who have so quietly been standing to the side while the Ringed Roses raged reveal themselves. Kima, a large figure with dark, bark-like skin that marks her inhuman even from the stands. Moa, a slip of a woman with long, pointed ears and a feyish grace. And Onoana, a seemingly normal figure, save for the horns that curl above her forehead. They meet the Ringed Roses at the center of the field and chase them until they fall. And then, they walk off of the field, all three standing, though not untouched.
  The crowd’s reaction is. Well. Displeased would be too simple a way to put it.
  The North Wind, in the aftermath, make the decision to approach Oke and tell him that they saw a suspicious figure and give the description of Duan. Oke, looking wearier than ever, gives them some hard side eye, but accepts the tip with thanks.
  The next day comes with some unsteadiness to the air, but the Trials proceed. Some browsing of the market occurs. The Grit and the Grind are once again watched on the field and met at lunch. The group approach their second trial against an unnamed, but canny, group of four. And they watch as Kima, Moa, and Onoana once again enter the field. And once again are the only ones that walk off it.
  A new day find the six of the Wind facing down a pair of tricksters that seem set to slip out of their grasp. By whatever means necessary.
  And the Trial marches onwards. The only question is if (or how) the North Wind will follow...
Report Date
14 Jan 2023

Cover image: Kingdom Spread by Kethry Tiggs


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