Session 003: Underneath Ivaran Report in Four Kingdoms | World Anvil
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Session 003: Underneath Ivaran

General Summary

The North Wind find themselves looking down a flight of stairs that presumably leads to the place where the mysterious figure was taken. They venture down into a small earthen tunnel that appears to be very, very old. Mohr notices a concealed door in the side of the tunnel and Aphid recognizes a mole hole, but the group sticks to the main path, continuing down the tunnel. They come to a wooden door with incomprehensible symbols scrawled on it. Zenith attempts to use his familiar to peek inside, but the snek is a little too shiny and attracts the attention of Talasea on the other side of the door.
  The group ends up entering a room with five doors and a couch with a side table. They meet Tal, who demands to know where his friend is. They figure out that they are working to similar ends. As they are trying to figure out the deal with the door that seems to have voices behind it, the locked door begins to open. Everyone scrambles to hide, though Jack and Mohr don’t quite manage. They talk to the man that enters the room, who speaks politely enough even as he admits to having both Tal’s missing friend and the figure kidnapped into the alley. He admits that this is a Raywalker operation. He first suggests that they pay for the release of the two, but then asks that the group complete a favor for him in exchange for their freedom.
  The man requests that they get into the office of Oke Thonemany, the person organizing the Trial, and replace the papers for the Ringed Roses with papers he supplies and try not to be caught. The North Wind (plus Tal) agree to this and take the papers the man gives them. After doing their best to mess with the man’s things.
  They go to the House of Thonemany. Tal and Zenith use magic to disguise themselves while Mohr and Jack use more mundane disguises. Aphid goes as is. They enter the House as confident as possible and find their way up to Oke’s office, asking a guard for directions and nearly getting themselves caught in the process. Inside the office, they find stacks of boxes filled with papers, a model of a landscape, and a locked drawer. They manage to get into the drawer and find the plans for the Trial. It is titled the Trial of the Giant Dragon and lays out the plans for a massive tourney. Matching the notes on the plans to the notations on the papers in the boxes, they manage to switch out five maps assigned to the Ringed Roses for much more complex ones and get a glimpse at the first map assigned to themselves in the process.
  As they finish their investigation, Oke Thonemany approaches with the helpful guard. Zenith manages to convince Oke that he’s an important visiting noble and gets them all invited to stay at the mansion and have dinner with the Thonemanys. Jack does some quick talking to get them out of it. The group leaves with their task complete and a proof stored in a rock. They catch a glimpse of three figures with cloaks bearing a symbol of three roses as they leave.
  Returning to the stairs into the depths, they find the man awaiting them, sitting on his couch looking at some papers. He accepts their proof and brings two people out to them. One a gangly boy who throws himself at Tal in a big embrace. The other a confused young woman, with blue tinged skin, dark blue hair that sways softly as though underwater, and a Winterian accent. She thanks the group profusely for her freedom.
  The man simply watches the reunion and the meeting. And smiles.
Report Date
05 Feb 2021
Primary Location

Cover image: Kingdom Spread by Kethry Tiggs


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