Sea Faring States- Kingshead Island Settlement in forgotten world | World Anvil
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Sea Faring States- Kingshead Island

City History, Culture and Description   Kingshead Island is the capital of the Sea Faring States and is the largest island of them all. It is located a days sailing north of Lockheed Isle, which makes it also very well placed to grow rich from trade. However the wealth of the city comes at a cost. The island is caught in the grips of a secret war between the Governors militia and the Rats, a war in which the Company is playing both sides for profit.   Important Characters   Governor Radcliff- Radcliff is a warm and friendly leader to those who meet him. However that is very few as he rarely leaves the Kingshead Proper, keeping his social visits to invited dignitaries and well off officials. He also has a hidden temper and scathing rage. He is a person who remembers any slight done against him, and does not forgive easily.   Captain Alder- captain of the guard and in charge of the militia forces o the island. He is an efficient and ruthless soldier who has been battling the Rats for years. He got his battle experience in the Dominion, as a member of the adventuring group called The Huntsmen.   Priest Detlef- he runs the Great Lighthouse of Kol Korran. he is an old human man who has tended the lighthouse since birth, his family has tended to it for generations.   Elora- the Company Representative on the island, Elora is a beautiful half elf women whos looks and charm are nearly as deadly as her cunning.   Joseph Drake- Otherwise known as The Rat King, he is the leader of the crime and smuggling gang know as the Rats.   Local Quests   Factions   Tempest Shipping Company   The Rats   Notable Buildings And Districts   Kingshead Proper- the upper district of the city   Merchant District   Kings Warf/Tempast Dockyards   Kings Ass (sewer system)   The Great Lighthouse of Kol Korran   Shops   Blacksmith- run by Lydia Strongarm, a 47 year old human with black hair and blue eyes She inherited the operation when he husband died some years ago, but she makes fine steel.   Laranoel's Laments (Arcane shop and potions)- run by Dorophil Laranonel, a 60 year old high elf male, silky white hair, pale skin and red eye (albino). He started his arcane shop when his wife passed, and he decided to leave the elvin isles looking for a change.   Fletcher and armorer- run by Thomas Chaucer, a 26 year old man who is just starting up his business here on the island.   General store- can be found at the Tempast Dockyard, where almost all of the islands goods an be found. Run by Donald Mournhell is a 20 year old male half-elf.   Food (butcher, baker, ext)   Verdians Chalice- an inn and tavern run by a Bedouin man named Oharn. This Inn serves as a front for the Rats, and has an entrance to their secret tunnels in the sewers and their hideout called Kings Ass.   Crossed Wands- an inn and tavern run by a female half elf named Alris. She was denied entry into the Elvin acedemy due to her "dirty" blood and lack of funds.So she has taken over the Inn from her aging grandfather Al, and rebranded it into the hot bed it is today in order to gain enough money to buy her magical education.   Ragged Flaggon- run by an older halfling named Marmin. He is a retired adventurer from the Rolling Hills, who's goal is to meet as many unique people as he can.   Jeweler- Edgoron, a male dwarf from the tri Kingdoms, can be found in a small shop by the Tempast Dockyards. He was hired by the Company to inspect good and trade, particularly ores and jewls, but he also runs his own small business for individuals when he has time.   Tailor- run by Aleida Twoorb,who is around 80 years old and human women. Though not especially beautiful herself, she is widely praised for her craftsmanship and fashion taste.   Brothel                                       Exports and Trade-


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