KWN.Lore Demon of a Thousand Faces in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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KWN.Lore Demon of a Thousand Faces

demon of a thousand faces,
fiend of a thousand lives.
rising from the endless Abyss,
draxhar always arrives.
  like a thief in the night,
with a blade in the dark.
across the eras of history,
he's played a thousand parts.
  from the distant hills of Impiltur,
to beneath the Companion's glow,
from the Spine of the World to the jungles of Chult,
bringing ruin wherever he goes.
  maybe you've already met him,
disguised in familiar face.
maybe he's watching you even now,
from a dark and secret place.
  few have seen the demon's smile,
or sweat roll down his brow.
to see his true form is to be marked for death,
sealed and spoken, an unholy vow.
  demon of a thousand faces,
fiend of a thousand lives.
rising from the endless Abyss,
draxhar always arrives.


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