Knights of Holy Judgment Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Knights of Holy Judgment

Contributions by Byrone
Here I stand, spirit and flesh in your divine light. The marriage of protection, courage and justice is my bond. I shall protect the sanctity of this domain and those who dwell in it. Valor shall be my guide and those who wish to incite evil shall be brought to justice. I do so in your names.  
  • The Oath

  • Structure

    High Commander

    "Let each Knight look to one singular figure, chosen by clairvoyance of the Triad, for leadership, guidance, and an exemplary life led by the will of the gods. This High Commander shall act always in accordance with divine favor, serving humbly and justly to the benefit of the Knights as a whole while considering the needs of the individual in equal measure. Leading the High Council, this Commander will vote when his or her fellow councilmen cannot reach an accord."
    — The Holy Knight's Decree

      Loric D'Orinelis currently serves as the High Commander.

    High Council

    "The High Council shall consist of seven members at all times. Along with the High Commander, one member of each deity's elite forces and majority forces shall serve on the council to ensure the equal voice of each sect of Knights. The Council chairs shall serve for life appointments or until such a point when a two-thirds majority of their respective faction chooses a new representative in their stead.
    — The Holy Knight's Decree


    The Shields

    "We are those who guard the guardians.
    We protect the name of judgement.
    We defend the holiness of purpose.
    We are those who shall not fail."
    — The Shieldmaster's Decree


    The Hammers

    "By the light of Tyr's graceful justice we have been set apart as the devout who follow his most earnest call into truth and honor. We serve at the balanced hammer's beset and fulfill our contracts with the duty and righteous demanded of the highest standards. We seek to serve and not to self-aggrandize. Our calling is to the balance preserved in justice while keeping true sight of the thread of mercy running through each of us and the world around us. We will rid the world of injustice through diligence and a fervor for Tyr's discerning favor."
    — Lord Elhand Tyrannth


    The Gauntlets

    "Pursuit of true justice requires the valor necessary to see through even the most difficult of choices. A strong fist prevents that which a gentle embrace would need console. Do not confuse courage for reckless abandon, nor mercy for graciousness. Our strength is our resolve and our resolve is our strength. Stay the course of courage and find yourselves in the blessing of Torm."
    — General Torzarak


    Agents of Helm

    "While of course our Agents serve as guards and protectors across the realm, the purpose set down by Helm far extends beyond exclusively the protection of life and civilization, though these are undoubtedly our preeminent concern. Our sages and scholars protect secrets from the unforgiving passing of time or mistranslated understanding. Our emissaries and ambassadors protect peace and the very idea of alliance and honor within politics. Our researches protect the long forgotten realms beneath our feet and beyond our understanding.
    — Agent Ymir


    Justices of Tyr

    "Our most noble calling is in answering the desperate call of the common man or woman in need. We carry forth the banner of the Knights through the dutiful completion of our contracts and considering the laws of the land with the necessary measure of justice and good faith. May Tyr guide your hammers and wills alike."
    — Justice Varsum


    Enforcers of Torm

    "So them Agents protect and the Justices judge, so what's left for us Enforcers? Well lads, we're the weapon hand of righteousness. Loyalty it takes, you know, to carry the axe which sees a judge's command through. And we don't just work when there's a decision made, but we make sure it don't get to that point either. Simply put, we make sure justice has the final say before and after something's gone wrong. Tis our duty and obligation and we are loyal to the cause. We are the Loyal Fury."
    — Enforcer Khazani



    "One day this mare and I will ride into battle on an open field, enemies overtaking the horizon and we will carve through them for the glory of the Triad all. 'Til then, I'll feed and wash her and continue my training."
    — Sq. Meira Vos

    Public Agenda

    Most broadly, the Knights of Holy Judgement are a diverse group of divine warriors, scholars, and public servants who have swore a sacred oath to one of the gods of protection, justice, or courage: Helm, Tyr and Torm. Their duty is to secure the balance between the light and dark in the realm and rid the injust evils that encompass the world. Most commonly, the Knights are a collection of “divine bounty hunters” who perform their duties not only for gold, but for favor of their chosen deity, but they also serve in a number of other facets of society for the greater good.   The way Knights obtain their contracts is trifold:  
    1. Their chosen deity will grace them with their divine presence. The god will bestow a challenge for the Knight to accomplish. Such things may include bringing a criminal to justice, ridding a ruin from its dark and undead presence or even curing the possession of a villager. Completing the work from one’s deity grants the Knight great favor in the eyes of their Lord.
    2. Their sponsor, a superior within the hierarchical structure, will issue them special contracts to be completed. The sponsor of the Knight is thought to have a stronger bond between him and the deity. Often, the sponsor will receive instruction and he will then pass it down to the Knight. Or, if they receive a contract from a local city or village, they can pass that contract down too.
    3. The Knight will often pay homage to a local church, shrine or temple to seek out priests who have a job for the Knight. The village under the protection of the Knights of Holy Judgement knows to village their local priest to tell them of any rumors of darkness that they need help with. The priest, thus, acts as a middle man to relay the information from the villager to the Knight.
    Religious, Holy Order

    Articles under Knights of Holy Judgment


    Author's Notes

    Hello! I'f you have stumbled upon this page, you should note the information contained within is not canonical with the typical history and pantheon of Faerun as published by WOTC. For one, the Triad includes Ilmater in the place of Helm. For second, the KOHJ do not feature the hierarchical designed laid out in this document. Finally, none of the characters quoted in the flavor text exist in canon. With that mind, thanks for checking out my take on the material and feel free to borrow or modify anything found here. Leave a comment if you have any specific thoughts or feedback!

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