Durindale Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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The Stoneway Inn

A beautiful, spacious, and lively tavern constructed with portions of the remains of the wall during the Fire Giant assault on the outpost in 1485. Designed, stocked, and run by the reknowned bard Davan, performed stories and songs emanate from the halls frequently to the joy of those who are lucky enough to know of Durindale's recent development.   Named after its beautiful mosaic archway entrance, the three-story structure features an open seating area surrounding a circular stage in the middle of the room on the first floor with a welcoming and an always warm hearth (as an aside, has anyone else wondered why is it always so cold in Durindale, really?) opposite the exquisitely stocked bar. The second-floor hosts a wrap-around-balcony with cushioned booths featuring an immaculate view of the stage, while the third floor contains sound-proof walled sleeping quarters.   The entrance itself is a sight worth beholding. The combination of repurposed stone, woodwork, and other beautiful materials from around the Sword Coast create almost a quilting effect representing the best of what this wonderful and treacherous region has to offer.   On the exterior, welcoming guests can examine the runes and iconography that symbolize and celebrate the Heroes of Durindale. As each new adventurer makes this growing outpost their home, Davan gets to know them over drinks, and over time determines their unique symbol and their contribution to the circle of companions. Gil, the last remaining resident of the ruins of the original dwarven metropolis, then carves into stone the symbol as a formal welcoming into the city. On the interior, the same symbols of those who have fallen will be memorialized forever, should say a day arise.   While I have not yet had the privledge of meeting many of these heroes (such is the nature of adventurers to not be still long enough for an interview), I have deduced several of the symbols and who they are associated with so far. I do quite enjoy this game, which seems to serve as a secondary entertainment as one listens to the stories and songs and tries to relate them back to the symbols welcoming each visitor. Thus, my conclusions are as follows:  
  • The hammer and scale of Tyr for the righteous cleric Tristain
  • A wolf and bow for Greycastle and Pup of the Emerald Enclave
  • The shield and profile of Bahamut for the loyal paladin Parathrax
  • An eye and three tentacles for the mysterious Vorothruun
  • The lute and feather of Davan, the former of which is on display above the bar as well
  With time, I have no doubt that Durindale's size and influence will continue to the point where we'll soon need a second archway to record the great deeds and legacies of the heroes inscribed at the Stoneway Inn.
  • Zandar Longcloak, author of "Noteworthy Detours Along the Long Road"
  • Type
    Outpost / Base
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Duridalians (dalians is pronounced like stallions)


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