AoA.Lore The Seven Prophecies Document in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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AoA.Lore The Seven Prophecies

365: The First Prophecy, Prior to the Discovering of Platinum

Proclaimed by the First Prophet, Udria of Clan Phunuth   Beneath the foundation of two clan's binding,
Look northward towards the mountain's core.
Descend into cavern's ever dark and winding,
And seek out the veins of precious ore
  Refine the metal like one's heart towards mercy,
The crucible for silver and likewise for justice,
Purified until the remainder is worthy,
Forged in the fires and crafted for purpose.
  Remember the source of this undeserved gift,
Honor Bahamut with each swing of your tools.
As storehouses swell, remember justice is swift,
When mercy's forgotten, the rich are the fools.

437: The Second Prophecy, Following Completion of the Platinum Temple

Proclaimed by the Second Prophet, Hendren of Clan Suldrembrod   Like a flame in the window, this temple shines,
A beacon to tell of the mercy within.
Welcome and peace to all so inclined,
To follow the Lord of the Northern Winds.
  To guide and to lead, choose seven among you,
For whom justice and mercy are of single mind.
High Councilors to serve and to see Avraathe through,
Always to His will be solely aligned.
  But lest you forget the Platinum Dragon's decrees,
Justice is in action, not a temple alone.
A worthy focus you have made for your worship,
But let it not replace your hearts as his home.

1235: The Third Prophecy, Prior to the War of the Black Horde

Proclaimed by the Third Prophet, Battalion Leader Emelin Thundersong   Stoke the flames and sharpen your blade,
In the cold and dark the enemies align.
Black hordes of orcs filled with bottomless hate,
To pillage and destroy all which they find.
  Forge your shields and prepare your spells,
This battle shall require the strength of your sum.
Let warrior and scholar stand as equals to tell,
The black horde to return from where it has come.
  From the Spine of the World the horde descends,
To sweep the Sword Coast in blood and flames.
The innocent and weak you are called to defend.
Bring justice to those who curse mercy's name.

1337: The Fourth Prophecy, The Thousand Year's Feast

Proclaimed by the Fourth Prophet, High Priest Zartheph of Clan Dradke   A thousand years Avraathe has stood tall,
Celebrate all your hard work has achieved.
The city a gleaming example to all,
A beacon for seekers of justice and peace.
  Yet guard against pride and boasting of favor,
The Platinum Dragon demands more of you.
Live out your faith without misstep or waver,
Sow only seeds of honor and truth.
  For days shall still come when the city may fall,
Not from disaster nor battle's defeat,
But in the slow crumbling foundation of faith,
Where pride and corruption and injustice meet.

1368: The Fifth Prophecy, Prior to the War of the Wilds and Assault on Hellgate Keep

Proclaimed by the Fifth Prophet, Justice of the Keep Sordran of Clan Durolas   Rally the Talons and the Order once more!
For this year shall pass with a pair of new threats.
When Giants and Trolls roam searching for war,
While Hellgate Keep is stormed and beset.
  From the north shall descend the monsters displaced,
By remnants of orcs still fighting for home.
Rise and defend the land with all haste,
Bring justice to those who will not atone.
  To the south a band of barbarians assail,
The ruined keep in which demons wait.
Aid in their quest to break through the veil,
While scholars work to destroy the gate.

1385: The Sixth Prophecy, Prior to the Spellplague

Proclaimed by the Sixth Prophet, Balasar Kelceran of the Augurium   An era approaches of death and confusion.
Avraathe, prepare now for the dangers ahead!
Ward every wall with ancient spells of protection.
Welcome outsiders who from terrors have fled.
  In darkness a blade shall sever the Weave,
The arcane tapestry soaked in blood.
New gods will rise to those so deceived,
Stand fast in your faith against the flood.
  A decade of upheaval thou must endure,
When blue flames spread, engulfing the truth.
Follow these orders and save your future,
Trusting Bahamut to see you through.

1488: The Seventh Prophecy

Proclaimed by the Seventh Prophet, Ildra of Clan Kaskrond   The Heathen shall come with the burden of purpose,
Found among the faithful but distant in heart.
Blood-soaked hands unwashed in remorse
With visions of beyond, the future carried in part.
  The Outsider shall come, seeking truth underneath
yet finding only deceit and privilege abused.
Blood-soaked hands grasp beyond their reach and,
with visions of power, the future consume.
  The Chosen shall come guided by their source,
Born with the faithful but soon set apart.
Blood-soaked hands from blood's loyal course
With visions from beyond, the future waiting to start.
  The Heathen, The Outsider, The Chosen in all.
And in the three, One shall rise to the call.
To the Betrayer he'll bring His justice and wrath,
Bearer of Righteousness, Avenger of Avraathe.


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