AoA.Lore Telzoun's Documents in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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AoA.Lore Telzoun's Documents

An Unsigned Letter

  Your agreed upon payment. The rest will be delivered following the Night of Radiant Light. Feel free to make a show of things, but be quick about your work. Stay on schedule. Improvise only if you must. Your discretion and thoroughness are appreciated. May we both savor the first taste of the true Justice we deserve.  

Letter Regarding the History of Justice

  Master Telzuun,   The libraries of Silverymoon proved quite enlightening. Within the scattered scrolls section, I found dictations of an oral history of the Nether Mountains. While not exhaustive, it included entire documents detailing the many conflicts and wars of the region. Recordings confirm Justice being present and subsequently lost in the breaking of the siege of Rauvincross during the War of the Black Horde.   While not mentioned by name, a relic matching its description is listed during Citadel Felbarr’s reclamation by Warcrown’s forces, wielded by King Obould himself. Thus far in my studies, the relic has not appeared by name nor depiction in the century since. In my initial scrying of Citadel Felbarr, I see no indication Justice is held as a trophy nor as an armament. It is possible the relic is beyond my view, so I move West to search for it myself.   Therron Duskrunner  

Letter Regarding Clan Lineage

  Master Telzuun,   I managed to gain access to the Justice of Records’ office easily enough. I found the sprawling lineage of Clan Verthisathurgeish as requested and cross-referenced it with Clan Kaskrond. As suspected, the evidence in place is suspect at best. The Justice of Records has also collected several journals and other documents pertaining to the clan. I will study these materials as well and report my findings.   Darnac Brighttalon  

Second Letter Regarding the History of Justice

  Master Telzuun,   After two ten-day in Citadel Felbarr, I continue my search for Justice. I can say with confidence it is not being displayed by King Morinn and Queen Tithmel in the Hall of Ceremony nor kept in the treasure troves of the barracks or individuals blacksmiths. Yet perhaps all is not yet lost.   In some more cursory conversations, a local divulged a tavern in the city which burned down several years ago, approximately 1484. The translation of the tavern’s name would be something like “The Stolen Shield.” This could entirely be circumstantial, but the informant described a polished shield with a dragon crest hanging over the mantle of this establishment. My next step will be to track down the remains of this tavern and see if there are any further clues to this possible explanation.   Therron Duskrunner


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