AoA.Lore High Priest Dradke's Documents in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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AoA.Lore High Priest Dradke's Documents

High Priest Rethdar,   In opening, I would like to thank you once again for your generous contributions to the ongoing development of the Augurium's library and our arcane research funds. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude for contacting me with regard to being of service to the Platinum Temple. While it is no secret there has not always been open communication between the heads of our respective organizations, I sincerely hope that, with your support of course, things will change once I have ascended from my current position. I do believe our collaboration could bring a new, brighter and more prosperous era to Avraathe with the Church and the Augurium working together in a myriad of new ways.   Regarding the project you mentioned in your letter, I am honored you would consider me and would of course be more than happy to help. I'll look forward to your first delivery within the next few days and have already begun practicing the ritual in preparation.   H.A. Grellen  
Dradke,   Thank you for bringing the Harper threat to my attention. The musician who sought to infiltrate our holy temple has been identified and held for questioning. I'm afraid he did not give up any further information of value, but he has been cast out from the city. I've already spoken with Justiciar Bronzeroar who will increase the Platinum Scaler's patrols with a keen eye on any further spying or subterfuge efforts to be brought to our attention at once.   Porath  
Your shipment was three days late. This is utterly unacceptable. Do not let this become anything other than a one time failure on your part. If I must return and remind you of your place, you will rue the day. I need not remind you the power of the one we serve.  
High Priest Dradke,   I am so incredibly and sincerely sorry for the delay. My shop was flooded with orders following the hires of the Platinum Scalers as many of the men were purchasing proposal rings as a celebration of their new employment and I thought with the excitement in the city it was best if I made sure to get those orders out on time.   I of course realize my error in not putting your tasks first and can only promise it will never again happen. In fact, included in this package is the next batch of gems already cut and processed four days early. Please take this as a sign of my dedication to your service. There's no need to worry. No need to tell Orin, either. I'd really rather keep my indiscretion between us if at all possible. Thank you for your understanding, High Priest.   Srindrac  
I, Orin Underfury, the undersigned seller, for the sum of 27,500 gold pieces, sell to the undersigned buyer, The Platinum Temple, the following property:   Majority Share of the Underfury Mines, including but not limited to all current mining operations and all future expansions particularly in the Eastern mountain range.   The undersigned seller affirms the above information about this property is accurate to the best of his understanding. The undersigned buyer accepts receipt of the Record of Sales and understands that the above agreement is made with the included property in an "as is" condition with no explicit or implied promise of other properties.   Seller's Signature: Orin Underfury, Workman's Ward
Buyer's Signautre: Rethdar Dradke, Platinum Temple   Date of Affect: Marpenoth 24, 1487  


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