King Dagna II of Mithral Hall in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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King Dagna II of Mithral Hall

Dagna, son of Queen Dagnabett, acted as general of Mithral hall during the campaign against the kingdom of Many-Arrows following the attack on ten-towns in 1489 DR. By 1536 DR, the war had raged on for nearly 50 years and Dagna decided to make a last push against the orcs. Leading a combined army of Dwarves, Elves, and humans, he pushed into the spine of the world towards Dark Arrow keep. While the armies were away, Drow assassins under the employ of King Obould XVII snuck into Mithral Hall and Silverymoon and assassinated Queen Dagnabett and Lady Allustriel. The allied armies were simultaneously pushed back into the Silver Marches by the orcs and their Giant allies, as well as a host of Trolls from the Troll moors.   The Dwarves retreated into their halls and Dagna became King of Mithral Hall. Over the next 50 years, he would continue to make attempts to eradicate the kingdom of many-arrows, but all would end in failure (which he would blame on the Elves’ increased seclusion). As chaos and lawlessness gripped the land, Dagna began implementing what some would call Draconian measures to maintain order among his people. Rumours of his fragile mental state abounded, as his paranoia sent more and more loyal subjects to the chopping block and relations with the Elves of the Moonwood and Silverymoon remained frigid. Trade with Mithral Hall was much reduced, and the human city of Nesme grew prosperous for it.   In 1586 DR, the Savage Seven discovered that one of Dagna's closest advisors was secretly a Duergar follower of the aboleth Illuun. They killed him and presented the evidence to the Delzoun Resurgence led by Soram Battlebellow, who challenged the king with this information. In retaliation, the king ordered Soram executed by the way of the iron burial. Instead, the kings guard turned on king Dagna and took him into custody. Days later, he was executed for crimes against the dwarves of mithral hall. Soram was crowned king. As a token of gratitude, he offered to array the group in fine dwarven armor befitting friends of the hall. He also provided a list of missing dwarves who had acted as the king's bounty hunters and assassins, asking that they kill any of them they found.   Under Soram, trade with Silverymoon and the Silver Marches was re-established. The city prospered, and the pride of Mithral Hall returned. The new king even invited the Uthgardt Barbarians to return to settlestone, but they refused citing that they enjoyed their newfound lifestyle.


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