The Delzoun Resurgence in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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The Delzoun Resurgence

The Delzoun Resurgence (named after the ancient Dwarven Kingdom of Delzoun) was a group of political dissidents in Mithral Hall. They worked to harass and possibly overthrow the mad king Dagna II.   One of their agents hired the Forsaken Company to investigate eldritch influence on the King. After discovering that the king's advisor was a Duergar in disguise working for the aboleth Illuun, the Forsaken Company slew the duergar agents. The Delzoun offered to help navigate them through the underdark to the aboleth's lair.   In the next week, their leader Soram Battlebellow challenged king Dagna on his affiliation with the Duergar who posed as his advisor these last six months. Upon hearing this accusation, the king ordered that Soram be executed by means of the Iron Burial. This excruciating method of execution, only used against the dwarves' most hated enemies, involves the pouring of molten iron down the throat of the accused followed by complete submergence into a vat of molten iron. Upon hearing this, the captain of the royal guard Dulgrun Hardhelm threw down his axe and took up the side of the Delzoun Resurgence. The rest of the guard did as well, and the king was taken into custody. Three days later, King Dagna II was put to death by way of the Iron Burial. Soram Battlebellow was then crowned King of Mithral Hall.  

Known Agents

Garn Silveraxe
Bergen Brightsmith


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