Session 29 - Ruins Rescue Report in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Session 29 - Ruins Rescue

General Summary

After discussing it, the group decides to take the bard Thimansl with them. Rivenn objects because he doesn't think they can trust her. Jakahaiel wants to give her the chance to prove herself worthy.

Benny looks at the door to the tower. This is a complex lock. There are seventeen keyholes set into the door. Many of them are fakes. It takes ten minutes for Benny to figure out which five need to be used to open the door. Even then, it takes another twenty minutes to figure out that the keyholes will be turned in particular ways to a certain point in a certain order. Another twenty minutes of looking at them and testing them allows Benny to figure out the first item and a better idea of how it works. Finally, Benny starts opening the lock, warning people to get back. Benny knows there is a trap on here but it's keyed to go off to something other than him. That's all he knows as he starts to work the keyholes. Twenty minutes later, the door is unlocked.

Jakahaiel tries to go inside and when he crosses the doorway, a blast of force slams him back fifteen feet and leaves him with some bruises. Benny mutters an apology and tries to step inside and it works. All but Jakahail are able to enter. Thimansl doesn't even try.

Inside the tower is a platform surrounded by four panels, containing levels, knobs, and other settings. Nilgan looks at it for a while and after a half hour says that he has barely scratched the surface.

"I think that panel is the master panel, due to settings on it. I think this," he says pointing at an area,"shows an inventory or power level. Maybe magic levels. It is labeled using draconic script but I don't recognize the language and the ones I know don't make sense in what I see. I think the other three panels set various options. I'm sure I can figure it out."

"Okay, but why," asks Rivenn. "This seems like a distraction, again. Is there anything immediately useful?" Rivenn looks to Nilgan and Zephyr as he asks this.

"Well, I mean, not immediate but if I can figure out what it says-"

"What's that timeframe, to figure it out?"

As Nilgan pauses, looks over to Zephyr, who shrugs, then Nilgan looks back to Rivenn and starts to speak. Before he can say anything, Rivenn holds up his hand.

"Days, right?"

"Probably minimum," mutter Nilgan, still really curious about several ideas that have come to him as he is looking at the panel."

"We might have it but are we sure we want to spend it here? Or do we want to go see what are options are?"

Jakahaiel and Joice nod at that and even Benny reluctantly nods. The group leaves and Benny relocks the door.

They head south with Rivenn and Shadowfury scouting ahead of them. Rivenn gets a good lead at points and then comes back to help guide them on an easy path. The desert keeps having scrubland patches and Rivenn keeps them moving.

They travel to the cliffs. They see ruins to the south and a ziggurate to the north but further away. They decide to go to the ruins which are closer. When they get there, the ruins are quite expansive. This could have been a large town or even a small city. As they walk through it, Rivenn notices scalykind signs, mainly naga. It appears they are searching the ruins. After looking for a bit, Rivenn determines they have broken the ruins into grids and are searching methodically through them. It takes a while to find where they are currently searching. Rivenn encourages the group to attack. As they discuss the winning invisibility and dim door strategy again, Jakahaiel decides to flank from the left side and Rivenn goes to the right. Benny and Joice join Rivenn and the two casters and Thimansl take the center.

They aren't as quiet as they hoped or the naga are more observant as they don't get surprise on them. Soon, it's a fight.

They find naga in the ruins. It's obvious that they have been searching it for something. The ruins are quite extensive and they have probably been at it for a week already. The group attacks and take them out.

The naga had been starting to look at something. Digging it out more reveals a metal cube box. Benny looks at it and reaches out as Jakahaiel does as well. Benny can tell that the box does not like Jakahaiel and when they bring it out, Benny suggests Jakahaiel let it go.

When it is just Benny holding the box, he knows how to open it. The box isn't heavy. It's metal but not a heavy one like iron. When Benny wills it to open, slits appear and the metal slides back revealing a feather. Benny can tell it's an angel feather, although not which kind. Benny is drawn to it and when he picks it up, he feels its power and that it will share with him. Benny asks the group, who say yes, then absorbs the feather.


GM Notes

  • I was off on several things, mainly descriptions.
  • I was at least ready with ideas and most maps.

Rewards Granted

12733 xp

Report Date
20 Nov 2023
Primary Location