Session 15 - The Device and the Chest Report in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Session 15 - The Device and the Chest

General Summary

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The group checks the trapdoor for traps and finds several. Benny removes the traps as the rest watch. Then he looks at the ladder and trap runes are on the underside of the ladder rungs, away from him. He gets the first couple of steps but then has Joice, still enlarged, to hold him. Joice falters a bit for the center ones but is able to hold Benny long enough to get all of the traps off the ladder.

[img id="pbImage929213" src="" alt="" width="932" /]

They come down into an octagonal room. There are two doors and one obviously has noise coming from it, with scratching and heavy breathing. They ready for a fight and open the door.

[img id="pbImage522053" src="" alt="" width="932" /]

Hydras! Five of them all in the hallway, attacking! The party does manage to take out a couple and move to the next but the ones they down regenerate and come back!

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Nilgan and Zephyr follow up with acid or fire on the hydras once down to keep them down.

[img id="pbImage911337" src="" alt="" width="932" /]

[img id="pbImage543845" src="" alt="" width="932" /]

[span style="font-size:13px;"]A few times in the fight, a naga appears and blasts at the group with lightning or other spells. [/span]

[img id="pbImage836929" src="" alt="" width="932" /]

[span style="font-size:13px;"]Jakahaiel rushes forward to attack the naga as it tries to escape, and tries to get behind it. He succeeds with Rivenn close behind to close the trap. [/span]

[img id="pbImage362081" src="" alt="" /]

[span style="font-size:13px;"]But some nasty disintegrate spells knock him down and hurt Rivenn a lot. [/span]

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[span style="font-size:13px;"]The party rushes to help, and it's the wounded Rivenn's axe that eventually takes down the naga. It was a tough fight.[/span]

[img id="pbImage202131" src="" alt="" width="932" /]

Opening the next door, Benny fails to disable the trap. Both he and Jakahaiel jump out of the way. Joice takes the bolt straight to the face. He isn't amused.

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As they keep going, they find a flooded room that has several devices setup. A naga is watching them and tuning them, is best they can describe. One apparatus is made from silver, one gold, and one copper. There are gems hovering over them, supplying the power or at least containing it. The ground beneath them have been altered and some green sludge is in the bottom.

[img id="pbImage913714" src="" alt="" width="932" /]

The group attacks the naga and takes him out a bit easier than the other one. This naga was too focused on the apparatus and was trying to activate them. It didn't get a chance.

The group searched this room and finds a chest that has places for the gems and holds rods and connecting mechanisms to create the devices the naga had. They soon figure out that the chest holds a lot more than what it looks like! They are able to deconstruct the devices and put all of the rods back into the chest. It never seems to fill up. They decide not to put the gems in there but keep them on their person.

Unlike a normal holding item, though, the chest is heavy, weighing in a hundreds of pounds. They figure out a way to store it on their horses and then decide to head back to Llorkh.

[img id="pbImage388501" src="" alt="" width="932" /]

A few days later, they arrive in Llorkh. The put the chest into a vault in the temple of Helm but keep the gems. Now that they are back to the city, they start thinking about things they would like and what they can make.

GM Notes

  • The chest was definitely not a mimic.
  • The first naga was tough as it could use lair actions and had setup some traps.
  • In contrast, the second naga was a wimp as it was so focused on the devices.
  • The hydras were only a threat due to the regeneration. Well, and a lot of attacks.
    • The two main weapons of the hydra were a lot of heads and regeneration. And flanking.
    • The three main tactics that the hydra used were lots of heads, flanking, and regeneration. With Naga backup.
    • Nevermind.
  • It was a good stopping point. The party has options.
    • Make items or look for items to buy.
    • Track down the other group or find out who hired them.
    • Go back out to the dungeons.
  • A few less people next time but I will run a city adventure for the ones there

Rewards Granted

3400 xp

Report Date
31 Jul 2023
Primary Location
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