Session 13 - Another Artifact Found Report in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Session 13 - Another Artifact Found

General Summary

The group camps out. Dreams of fire for some reason.

[img id="pbImage596553" src="" alt="" /]

And in the morning, Zephyr sees a floating eye watching the camp. When he notices it, it sees Zephyr looking at him and disappears. They pack up the camp and on the trip to the crypt marked on the map, they discuss options to stop scrying. The wizards have some thoughts on it but it will take some time to setup. In the meantime, they all start learning another language to have in common that is uncommon.

They arrived at the marker to find a score of scalykind, basking in the sun.

[img id="pbImage169842" src="" alt="" width="1104" /]

They also see two lizards basking as well. They make some plans then enact them. Zephyr hastes the group then Nilgan blasts away with several fireballs into the lizards.

[img id="pbImage993552" src="" alt="" width="1104" /]

[img id="pbImage883669" src="" alt="" width="1104" /]

Although none were killed by both blasts, they were certainly wounded.

[img id="pbImage511264" src="" alt="" /]

The rest move forward and start attacking.

[img id="pbImage172052" src="" alt="" width="1104" /]

The lizards react faster than Joice was hoping and he soon finds himself surrounded and bitten several times before he can react.

[span style="font-size:13px;"]They inject some venom with their bites and the numbing it causes relaxes the muscles. They later find out it doesn't last more than an hour.[/span]

Another several fireballs go off while the rest have joined the lizardfolk in melee combat.

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Rivenn notices that these creatures are less developed than the others they have fought. A lot more acting on instinct than going for strategy.

[img id="pbImage191395" src="" alt="" width="1104" /]

The creatures had enough that all were attacked and all took some amount of damage, either the numbing bite or from daggers. Soon, they are down.

[img id="pbImage661405" src="" alt="" /]

They find another stone marker with a riddle on it.

"In shadows they lurk, a sinister brood,

Serpentfolk of power, their motives shrewd.

Their venomous touch, a chilling sight,

Within the Serpent Kingdom, they wield their might.

What creatures are they, with fangs so sly,

Masters of deceit, watching with a reptilian eye?"

They ponder this for a while but after discussing it, Rivenn thinks it's Yuan Ti. He writes that in the blank area and it disappears to be replaced by a mausoleum. Benny picks the lock and was going to keep going even after opening it until Joice shows him it was done. An illusion of runes charging and spells gearing to go off was only that, an illusion. Inside is a ladder to go down.

They again find themselves in a room with four exits, all in cardinal directions. Written on the walls is another riddle.

Reveal the opposite, a direction unique,

The answer lies hidden, if you dare to seek.

Guiding explorers, where the compass aligns,

In maps and adventures, my presence defines.

What am I?

After thinking about it, Benny thinks it means they need to go south. He searches that tunnel and finds the secret door. He unlocks it to find a short hallway and another door. Beyond that?

[img id="pbImage233055" src="" alt="" /]

The room they seek! Another statue of Nicolas, congratulating them on finding another item. On a pedestal is a rod made of dark metal adorned with intricate carvings of serpents and reptiles. They grab that and turn to leave.

[span style="font-size:13px;"]Only to find creatures that can teleport attacking them![/span]

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The fight doesn't last as long and the creatures ability to teleport allows them to flank themselves to attack! Several get wounded pretty badly and we stop after the fight.

GM Notes

  • Definitely too much xp.
    • Should have gone with 10,333 / 6 = 1722.
  • I was hoping the fights, while tough, were varied enough to be interesting.
    • As Jim noted, going last with twenty combatants is not fun.
    • Combat takes time with that many.
  • It's fun better understanding poisons to explain how they are working or not.
  • I'm also trying to allow feats to come into play. The rogue can sub Reflex for Fortitude and if I can make that happen, I will.
  • Another artifact found!
    • I'm sure it won't be stolen. This time.

Rewards Granted

10,333 xp

Report Date
10 Jul 2023