Neverwinter Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Neverwinter, also known as the City of Skilled Hands and the Jewel of the North, was a bustling, cultured, and cosmopolitan city-state in northwest Faerûn. Neverwinter was regarded by Volothamp Geddarm as the most cosmopolitan and civilized city in all of Faerûn. The city is a member in good standing of the Lords’ Alliance. Known for its crafts folk and gardeners, the city's multi-coloured-glass lamps, precision water clocks, exquisite jewellery, and magnificent gardens ensured the warm winters are colourful and the summers rich with fresh fruit.

Arms of Neverwinter

Founding Date
87 DR
Alternative Name(s)
City of Skilled Hands, the Jewel of the North
30,000 (as of 1489 DR)
Inhabitant Demonym
Neveren or Neverwintian
Location under