Grant Park Music Shell Building / Landmark in Folk Rock Horror | World Anvil

Grant Park Music Shell

An iconic building or landmark that represents a location.   The Petrillo Music Shell is an amphitheater in in Grant Park in Chicago, Illinois. The venue was located on the south end of the park across Lake Shore Drive from the Field Museum of Natural History. It is the site of the Chicago Blues Festival, Lollapalooza, and several other prominent music events. In 1974, it was still known as Grant Park Band Shell. In the world of Folk Rock Horror, it is the opening venue for the Sunshine River Music Fair.   The Grand Park Band Shell would be replaced with a new structure by 1978. During the summer of 1974, the original band shell still serves as the venue for concerts and events. However, by the 1970s, the iconic landmark had fallen deeply in disrepair, to the point where "stagehands, performers and even a grand piano had fallen through the stage floor." The band shell had become so notoriously unsafe, musicians joked about needing to wear hard hats.    While some of these stories were undoubtedly simply the result of a decaying structure failing, could some of the more tragic injuries have been the result of sabotage? The music industry is notoriously cut-throat and competitive. Is it possible that some ambitious musician decided to eliminate their rivals to forward their own careers? If so, the evidence has been lost to time (or destroyed).   As the various band members, record company scouts, promoters, groupies, and other assorted dramatis personae assemble for the tour, there are several meetings that take place in and around the Grant Park Band Shell. Some of these meetings are open, and others are more discrete. Some are about the mundane business of the tour. Others have a darker, more mysterious purpose. The opening concert featured a number of popular bands, as well as some up-and-coming acts and fresh-faced new artists.
Gazebo / Bandstand


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